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RE: I rarely just flat out crap post but this meme made for a comment thread is worthy of a crap post.

in #steem7 years ago

the only ones that I have are the alliance ones which is mandatory for members and gives me upvotes of such incredible power as 0.0015% votes lol i kid you not but the fam is worth it ... otherwise i avoid them like the plague ..they are poison for the chain ...


the only ones that I have are the alliance ones which is mandatory for members and gives me upvotes of such incredible power as 0.0015% votes lol i kid you not but the fam is worth it ... otherwise i avoid them like the plague ..they are poison for the chain ..

Yep I can relate totally. I've even completely stopped Resteemed services

Curious, while I don't use em either, because I know they are a financial loss, after curation is cut out of the roi, why you think they are poison. What have they done to damage you directly? What have they stopped you from doing?

They clog up the feeds with shit posts have you seen the trending posts most of them are bid bot driven> I do my stuff regardless but many people leave the platform because all they can find is shit content voted up by bots ... I really believe it would be better without them ...

okay, yes, I've been here forever, I've heard all the "bad for the platform" stuff, and yes, of course Im aware of everyone's beef with trending, but those aren't what I asked.

I asked, what have they stopped YOU from accomplishing?

it is hard to say as i cannot gage how much more exposure i would have, but i do think that my content is superior to a lot of the trending stuff so I would have to say gain more exposure. they are making it harder for me to be seen ...

And you are grumpy tonight Mr eternally here > Feeds you brownies ....

I'm not grumpy :) I'm just trying to figure out how bid bots keep hurting people. They haven't hurt me. I ignore them. I wouldn't trend anyway and don't really care. That would still take hundreds in upvotes, anyway. Even without any bots, that ain't happening.

nods I have had pieces that did have hundreds and i did not even scratch the surface of the pool. I have friends that have 200 -300 votes without bots and got a puny payout it annoys the fuck out of me ...

I have tried my best, in fact, against all odds the community sent me to trend without them XD which was a funny statement I guess... I've tried my best, and I try my best I wish I could post more but well they don't do nothing against me, I don't even check trend, to be honest, but they disuade true talent from coming in... like I try to convince fellow legit artists and they have a quick glance and they say, this is a scam, a crap, see this talent making cents and these shitposters doing hundreds, and THEY GO, and what can I say against that? that the game is rigged? It is... It's not my war either, I just post.

Just keep posting

Still here

I think we were referring to bidbots, and actually not bidbots per se but the abuse of them, aka shitposting and bidbotting it to trend. :) hahah I think neither of us go into that category... we can never say I'll never drink from this cup in the future, frustration (on a a rigged system) can do odd things but well so far we´ve handled really well. I had a big account quite harshly (don't think ill intended) telling me once I would always be on zeroland without them... well... here I am.

nods ai can say that because I seldom break my convictions much to my detriment lol ....and I want ll bid bots dead ...twitching on the battlefield :)



that vulture gif gets me anytime hahhah XD I want to pet him
mean her! :)