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RE: Operation Clean Trending

in #steem6 years ago

I can appreciate your sentiment regarding good and bad actors on the platform. Or anywhere.

Unfortunately, people are facing an existential evolution in automation, and bots of any kind being afforded human social value are going to necessarily be intolerable. For various reasons you can discern for yourself by considering Moore's Law applied to AI, bots cannot be allowed to compete with people in society. I parse the reason for this principle as people are sacred (even when profane), and bots mundane.

Even good bots open the door to bots that are less good, and in time this effects bad bots through the door, and where AI is going, society cannot tolerate that.

It may seem trivial today, but it won't soon.

Bots aren't the one flaw in Steemit. Getting rid of bots won't make Steemit perfect, Steem moon, and terrorists surrender. It is necessary to prevent bots from voting on Steemit all the same, as they will preclude actual human society eventually if allowed.

I reckon stake-weighting is far more harmful, and without it, there'd be little reason for votebots. Dealing with that would buy us time to deal with bots.

Like I said, I dunno what the solution is, only that if we don't get one, Steemit will eventually be destroyed. Bots can't be allowed to vote on Steemit much longer if Steemit is to survive.