RE: DLive is migrating off the Steem blockchain. The reasons why should concern us all.
I'm not a math guy, and further, don't really see the point in putting that much effort into the algos because I see the problem is actually not how rewards are calculated, or why they are originated, but that they are stake-weighted.
You may recall that I have long maintained that stake-weighting is the ultimate culprit in dehumanization irl, and not only on Steemit. I reckon SOC (SMTs, Oracles, and Communities) will resolve this issue by making possible communities that potentiate 1a1v and exclude non-humans from voting that will best meet societal needs and outcompete communities that continue stake-weighting.
Most folks are intensely interested in their financial wherewithal, and I deeply understand this, if I do not exhibit it myself. I have been there, and sold my t-shirt collection. I have found that society is vastly more important and valuable than it's economic aspects, and anticipate that becoming more apparent as better technology enables folks to effect the society they prefer.
Presently we are largely dependent on 20th century implementations of industry. Steemit is transformative, as are many nascent technologies today, making the old ways of doing things obsolete. This includes gaining lots of money in order to be able to have the goods and services you want, and 3D printing, cryptocurrency, mesh networks, independent media, aquaponics, and on and on, all prove this.
I don't need to have a job to make money to buy a car I can print in my garage - in a garage I can print myself. I don't need to buy a TV to watch CNN that I pay a subscription for, when I can print a phone at home and get actual true news and information from folks like you instead of CNN.
These changes are coming, and stake-weighting is a vestige of factories being necessary for industrial production of goods, and imperial government to impose social order. We are going to be able to do all that stuff ourselves, and be far more free and happy as a result.
SOC is what is necessary to transform Steemit (and other UIs) into an accurate means of valuing content, rather than an ROI contest.
Thanks for the great reply.
I can't really add anything of value to your excellent reply so I won't. I'll vote it to the top instead.
Thanks again