
Does it claim a beneficiary reward?

@improv yes, it does. Beneficiary rewards are set to 85% for bloggers and 15% for @engrave to cover development and maintenance costs.

@void: there is an information just below tiers (subdomain/domain). We've set it right now to 15% as you already wrote and we're trying to figure out a better solution. We're considering lowering it for active users. Or maybe a subscription model or one-time payment. But right now, we've chosen beneficiaries as it's (in our mind) the least interfering and engaging method to monetize that kind of project. Engrave is targeted more to bloggers outside of the Steem network, especially those who don't have crypto-funds to cover fees.

I hope you bring a lot of new folks to the blockchain!

Posted using Partiko Android

I must be blind, still can't find it :-)

Posted using Steeve