A little update

in #steem6 years ago

I have been a bit quiet lately, i have been very busy with the happenings of life and such.

In among my 9-5 and usual daily house chores, sometimes a challenge pops up, a few lemons if you wish.

My kitten had a minor incident the other day, where she some how managed to cut her padding on her left paw just ever so slightly but it was a bit deep to not go see a vet (which was ludicrously expensive and depleted most of my saved money to get me through to payday but these things happen) , she landed up needing a stitch and having a big red bandage on for a week and half and a cone on for another week (providing us with some much needed entertainment as she adjusted to this new look) after the bandage was removed. I spent the past 2 weeks monitoring her carefully and have recently mastered the skill or removing stitches myself.

Whilst riding home one day from the shop around the corner from my house, i saw a road block and knew i didnt have my license on me so turned around but i had been seen, the cop jumped in his car and stopped me a few km's later. I landed up getting a R2000 fine which i can only hope i can somehow get to paying.

I found myself asking why me, who feeds the homeless, collects blankets and pet beds for the poor people and stray dogs, me who is an animal activist and a voice for the voiceless, me who tells people to pick up their litter and attends beach clean-ups and gets so much joy out of giving, is so often taken from. But then i start feeling guilty for expecting something back from the universe for my good deeds. What do we do?

There-after, i found myself scrambling to make some quick cash as i now had R100 to last me 2 weeks, with 3 loads of washing, no electricity, no train fare to get to work and a empty fridge, Anyone who knows the financial status of my country will know this is impossible - I then got a message form someone who needed a pet-sitter for 15 days, i figured if this isn't the universe looking out for me then i don't know what it, and agreed to do the job, which i must add was not quite what i expected. 4 little Yorkies, one having been born blind and all of them with a schedule like clockwork, whilst trying to manage my daily life and my own pets was a challenge to say the least, i was behind with everything in my own life during this period but found myself enjoying running with them after work and going for early morning sunny walks - Pros and Cons i suppose, i also managed to make a little bit of money which assisted me in getting to this day, 2 days til pay day.

I am so lucky to have a man who always tried to see the positive and reminds me everyday of what we have accomplished instead of allowing me to get lost in the moments of wanting more and forgetting what we already have, and to appreciate it. He has been by my side when i had R5 and when i had R5000, he has been there when i lived in a tent and when i got my first flat he was there to enjoy it with me, he was there when i fell down and he picked me up, its time like these when i am the most grateful.

We are sitting a spot of pooh, but getting it right slowly, we all start somewhere and some may take longer than others, we dont all have the same tools and so cant be expected to all build the same quality structure at the same pace.

Just know that as long as you are doing your best with what you have, it is good enough and if anyone tells you it isnt then THEY are not good enough FOR YOU!

Peace x