
hey @jondoe, I would like to address your concerns but am not sure what "hoops" you are referring to? The process is set up to avoid hoops, encourage communication and give enough time for individuals to write a complete proposal. If you could give me a bit more details, I will try to answer the best I can.


I note that when looking to spend other people's money, great care should be taken. Would you prefer other folks take a less sensitive approach to spending your money on development?

Any ideas you have to streamline this difficult process are likely to be very welcome if they're effective.

Spend other people's money?! Not sure what you are talking about here. This isn't the development fund.

The structure of @steemalliance will both inform and depend on how such funds are sourced. No step in this process won't affect our wallets.

Look... Its important that the working group makes a decision on the process of picking individuals that will be in the proposal group that will make the decision on how many hoops will be jumped through and who will do the jumping..
We need to have the proposal about determining the process of proposing propositions as transparent as possible. That is the only way to grab the attention and interest of the community.
Do you feel me?

haha. Im sorry, i just come here to giggle at this from time to time..

If the "working group" (or who ever is still fueling this) cant figure out that Steemians/Crypto enthusiasts dislike "government type creations" like this one and long, winded, talks about procedural necessities before any action is taken, then there really is not much else that needs to be said except:

Yes, very well thought out and helpful comment.. well said indeed

Seems there will always be some that would rather not seek out information or be apart of the solution, burn it all down is a usual response from those types. It’s not surprising at this point, but luckily there are enough who actually want to make a difference to drown them out.

If steemians don’t want the foundation, they don’t have to support it.. it’s pretty simple actually. Thanks for the feedback, I’ll add it to the useful pile.

I think it is helpful. You dont? 😇 I mean you might not like it but its still feedback. Haha
If i would shorten it... creating a political structure like this that wields no power to speak of is a dumb idea.

I said it months ago when the idea was thought up and i say it again....

Trust me... Thats the best feedback you will get on this whole post.

Yep, got it. Thanks again.

Simply put, we aim to prove you wrong.

Thanks lol :)