- Update 2.0

in #steemapps6 years ago (edited)

It's been a while since I released the first versions of and I thought it's time for a special update.

So without further ado, let's get into what's new.

Global Steem Apps Data

When you go to you'll be greeted now with three big boxes, showcasing important metrics

  • Daily Active Users
  • Daily Transactions
  • The Volume of STEEM & SBD converted to USD

This data is being updated automatically each day based on all submitted apps. It will also respond dynamically depending on the timeframe selected. (Daily, Weekly or Monthly)

Global API

One of the reasons why I wanted to push this update, is so that State of the Dapps is able to display this data under their DApp Statistics section. So very soon, you'll be able to compare app-data across different platforms (STEEM, EOS, ETH, etc.).


Besides the most important changes above, you might also notice that the design is a bit different - and hopefully better/slicker ;)

Apps & dApps => Apps

Initially, I thought it would be a good idea to divide applications between normal apps and dApps. (for example: APP GAMES or DAPP GAMES) But what I realized over time is that there is no real line between both. So, from now on - there are only apps.

New App Type: Extension

Steem has multiple really great browser extensions (e.g. Keychain & Steem Plus) and I believe that a special extension app-type, that you're able to filter for, is important.

Closed Source

Last but not least, I decided that for now, I'd convert it back to closed-source. Maybe in the future, I will open-source it again. But we'll see.

Alright, that's it. Let me know what you think about the new update.

All the best,

Do you believe that my work is valuable for Steem? Then please vote for me as witness.


Giftgiver has just been submitted as a way for users who are low on RC to get temporary delegations to help themselves gain more RC and be able to interact.

Official Site:

If you have any questions, just ask @rishi556 or join our discord here and ask away.

I like what you have done here.

Submitted my own small project, got ignored,
PM'd you got ignored.

Still anything that supports Steem has my support.


It's easy coming up with evil theories why I supposedly didn't do something, isn't it?

So I assume its a select list for mates only or make money

No. It takes time to confirm and approve a submission. And I simply ran extremely short on time, so your submission must have slipped by.

I've approved it and it's now being listed on

Awesome work @therealwolf! Gonna put SteemPlus in there right away! Thanks
EDIT : Looks like there is still no way to get the number of users from the store, meaning that Keychain would show as having 0 users?

The user numbers from the chrome/firefox store are being calculated from users that have the extension installed and who have opened up the browser once in a week. This does not prove that the specific user has actually interacted with the extension in any way.

The same way any application using steemconnect offline token can show seemingly active users that actually didn't interact with the app for a while ?

Cool update, but as someone learning Vue.js it's sad to see it become closed source. What's the main reason for this decision?

I made it open-source initially with the idea of collaboration. Since nothing in that regard came to fruition, I prefer to not have the burden of it being open-source.

But the idea of open source is not only collaboration. It is also about transparency.
People could get the idea that apps can artificially be pushed upwards in the list.

This still wouldn't prove that I'm not running different code than the one open-sourced.

While when it is closed source you do it and it is "okay" if it is open source and you run different code, that would be a special level of sneakyness =D

really nice update, onwards and upwards!

How to earn SPP?" to find out all the ways to earn.
If you're not using SteemPlus yet, please check our last posts in here to see the many ways in which SteemPlus can improve your Steem experience on Steemit and Busy.

Thanks for your hard work on this!

Posted using Partiko Android

@therealwolf Thanks for the update :)

BTW, it seems all Steem apps on StateofDapps showing a sudden drop on their transactions:

Is that potentially a bug cause by this update?


I made a comment, but TL;DR it's that the data of state of the dapps has always been up-to-date.

lookin' sweet man, I like the clean look to it all & it works great on mobile 👍

Nice work!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the feedback!