
...forced redistribution of wealth (theft) is morally indefensible.
State control over their populations.
Slaves to the state.
Free basic income is communistic control through the back door..

...just sayin'...

UBI doesn't redistribute wealth in a welfare state! It just guarantees a fair distribution of taxes to all people in the community.

...taxes are theft ( a forced redistribution of wealth)

.... how they are distributed is irrelevant.

It's like the bank robbers discussing the most equitable way of splitting their heist..

Looks like you do not live in a welfare state.

To call taxes theft is just not true in a welfare state and in general. Of course there are a bunch of taxes that are way to high or just not necessary but to call taxes in general theft is just not right

Theft = A coerced transfer of assets.

How is this not philosophically correct?

No one pays tax voluntarily - and if you don't pay, an authority penalizes you by asset forfeiture or prison.

How is this not theft - through threats of aggressive action against you, if you do not comply??

Yeah but still you are glad to use the infrastructure (roads, public transportation,...), healthcare, climate change prevention and many more.

As I said sure there are a bunch of taxes that are to high or not really necessary but many of them serve a purpose and you will get something back in return.

Yeah but.....

So if a crime is committed - but you benefit - it's acceptable..?

Intellectually - and morally- dishonest.

since all benefit you can't call it a crime. But yeah if some people are narcissistic enough to not see the bigger picture it is more than fair to force them to pay it. As I preciously said I'm not ok with all the taxes but I just do not get those people saying they do not wanna pay a single tax but still using the infrastructure, are happy to go to hospitals, ...