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RE: SBI Interview with @contrabourdon

in #steembasicincome5 years ago

Great post and I love the mechanics behind getting users to stay on platform that you guys have set up. ...I actively buy sbi shares yet for purchasing them have begun to be flagged bymmmmkkkk311 who has around 200k sp. apparently the reason for flagging me is because I buy sbi shares.... are you guys anywhere near sorting out a resolution there? Or is this a flagging issue that’s gonna continue to hurt the sbi community? I send shares to plankton who’s accounts can’t take that kind of hit. It’s caused me to pump the brakes on picking up anymore shares for a bit. Have you guys at @sbi figured out a solve for all this? Or are sbi holders going to have to roll with the hits and flags to our posts as well as those we sponsor being at risk?


We have made many attempts to engage and he has transitioned from blindly downvoting everything that SBI upvotes to only downvoting the people that actively sponsor accounts into Steem Basic Income.

That means that, while there are no guarantees, there is a reasonable likelihood that sponsoring will continue to help the people that you are trying to help. It's your own judgment call whether the harm done to you as a consequence for helping others is worth it.

Huh.... that’s a pain in the backside then.. especially considering I’d be happy to lose my sbi upvotes as long as the people I was supporting continued to receive votes for worthwhile content. But after doing some reading on the matter and taking your comment into account it does appear that you guys aren’t near a resolution with the chap. Guess I’ll just plod on as usual and hope the votes I receive outweigh the down votes I get. After two years I’ve managed to stay out of most flagging issues on steemit so I guess it was bound to happen at some point. I can sorta see his point just as I can see the value in sbi. But the way @mmmmkkkk311 is approaching it by indiscriminately flagging is probably not the best way forward. I usually can see both sides of the argument with all the drama I’ve seen here in the past two years. See it and stay out of it normally. Stuff like this is what makes it difficult to get newcomers to stay though. After HF21 I don’t see why former bot owners and groups like you guys didn’t see a chance for mergers though. I.e. an account with equal stake sp delegated where a guild of curators are paid and a profits from curation after paying curators go to delegators. Every time there’s a bust up like this I can’t help but think of the chance to make money on common ground.... Plenty of scope for set ups like that. Just my humble opinion though. Well, thanks for replying sbi. I’ll probably try another post or two then just go back to posting on my other account as it’s sbi free and keep this account as what it is with sbi.... do what I normally do basically which is wait out another flagging war.

We've noticed that his VP is pretty low lately, so it's possible that he can't keep up with downvoting everybody that continues to support SBI.

Sounds like you have a reasonable approach. We have always tried to stay out of downvote wars, too. Our refusal to engage in retaliatory downvoting has helped a lot in that regard.

Sadly this time they sought us out specifically, and downvoted in a way that hurt lots of innocent bystanders, even though there are tons of programs autovoting worse content for less regard for quality and overall impact.

Well.... flagging campaigns are one of those things that tend to be pointlessly draining. Mayhaps the fellow will lose interest at some point.... or at least see the down voting as the worse possible way to protect whatever he’s invested in Steem.

I agree with the latter part of your comment regarding auto votes and over all poor content. ... I mean we are gonna get poor content and oddly I hope we get more... I mean what I’d call poor. The vapid YouTube make up artist, the single photos of malnourished girls in skimpy clothing, the person taking one photo of their food, the crappy meme creators, all the deplorable creators on the internet. I hope they rock up and stay and build those accounts weird cent by weird cent. We could use the numbers, and the good stuff stands out better. Hell, they may learn over time/with engagement to create better stuff...But I don’t agree with’em getting auto upvotes.

I’d rather auto upvoting go towards the content creators who put the real effort in. With sbi most of the folks seem to put the heart and soul in and it’s mutually beneficial so I’m on the side of it being a good thing. I can see the point others are making, but it’s not enough to solicit more than a shrug. The flagging little more than an eye roll. Some people can get overly precious about things.

Well sbi thanks for the reply. I’ve got no intentions of stopping gifting more shares later once this has all settled down, and after a bit of reading it seems a lot of others feel the same. Seems you guys did a pretty good job building community around the idea. Keep up the great work.