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RE: Steem Basic Income - Interview with @f3nix

people need to be educated on what it actually means, a lot of people confuse it with a kind of wellfare, which it is ABSOLUTELY NOT pardon my caps

which in fact gives bad rep to the whole concept of ubi

for instance

the experiment in finland actually consisted of giving a sample set of unemployed people MORE money for a while, after which they found out not many of the unemployed people who simply got more money actually started working (which is about the most silly experiment i ever heard of so far)

While ubi is for everyone, man , woman, child, employed unemployed, thing is in Utopia the already rich would decline it in favor of "the total pool" but i betcha fiver they would actually be the last to do so,

experiments like finland make it all look bad while they have actually nothing at all to do with ubi . If you do a little research you'll find plenty of examples, both real and ... well, i have no idea what those fins were thinking, maybe to discredit it or something. The true statistic is, that in a society where everyone gets a share as UBI, people will not start working LESS, some might go part time to pursue personal deployment, which frees open time for others who can fill it in , lets face it, jobs per capita havent been increasing much,

and they won't

the whole idea is to provide a base for everyone, not just for everyone who doesnt work anymore, thats WELLFARE, already have that, its a necessity to prevent more crime but UBI is something completely different because your middle manager would get it, your construction worker would get it and the guy at the train station with the styrofoam cup and the scruffy dog would get it. Not nearly enough to live a life of lambos, but enough to live

if you want more, you still have to find a way to get more, thats the core of ubi


Thanks @rudyardcatling yeah the Finnish thing was really weird haha :P I'm not so worried about people not working anymore, I'm more worried about the hyperinflation, however SBI commented about that and I haven't read that, so I'm gonna read that now :)

where would that comment be, please ?

thank you ... i'll be sure to reward you with 1% votes once i have ned and blocktrades money hahah

thanks! :)