Who will deliver me?

in #steembees7 years ago (edited)

One Sunday while going to church, the Gospel of christ was being preached by a certain preacher in the village of a certain king in Nigeria. A large crowd, together with the king and his wife had gathered to listen to the word of God. The living word, which is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, pierced deep into the hearts of the people.

While he was still preaching, the wife of the king, the queen, began to weep bitterly. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she stood up and cried out, "Who will deliver me? Please help me, my heart is very sore, I am a miserable and wretched person. Who can help me? Who will deliver me from this awful bondage of sin? What must I do?

For over 20years I have attended church and have been one of the prayer women, but all these things have not helped me, they cannot set me free, sin has held me captive. I am a drunkard and a murderess. My hands are defiled and wicked because they are engaged in making beer - that cursed drink! Sin has bound my hands and feet and made me a prisoner of hell.


She wept bitterly and sat down on the ground and cried aloud: "Help me! Help me! Who will deliver me? Who will deliver me from these chains of sin? I love God, but sin rules me, sin is dragging me down to hell. I killed my first born son, I was drunk while carrying him on my back, and in my drunken state i rolled on the ground and squashed the head of my sweet little son, so that he died. Please help me, deliver me from this death! My tribal customs did not help me. Religion did not help me. Who can help me? Who will deliver me?

Romans 7:15-25. Sooner or later, this cry will come to everyone's heart - "What a wretched man I am! Who will deliver me?"

"If the Son (Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36
Jesus is the answer to all our questions: the answer to my and your question. There is no freedom in any other name but in the name of Jesus. Only Jesus can save us from our sins. Only his blood on the cross can cleanse us from all sins. No doctor, no medicine, no witchdoctor, no man, no preacher, no church can save you from sin. Only Jesus, the son of God can save you.

After hearing these words, the kings wife believed in Jesus and gave her heart to him. She gave her sinful heart to God and He gave her a new heart and filled her with His Holy spirit. He not only forgave her but delivered her from the power of sin. Many years after that, she still lives a beautiful and victorious life.

You too dear reader can be set free through Jesus Christ. Jesus said: "Come to me ALL you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." Perhaps you are troubled in your heart or you are a church goer bound in sin, come to Jesus and he will set you free immediately.