in #steemchurch7 years ago

Hello great steemians, welcome to my blog today. I will like you to read carefully and not conclude yet until you are done reading this post.
NOTE: THE WORD OF GOD IS GREATER THAN THE MAN OF GOD..... so anyone telling you about the Bible must back it up correctly with scriptural verse(s).

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Follow me,
I know most of us have read the story of the rich man and the poor i.e Lazarus( a beggar). You can check it out in the book of Luke Chapter 16 verses 19-25 but verse 26 is our main focus of study.

Bible recorded it that Lazarus died and was carried to Abraham's bosom by the angels while the rich man also died and was buried.

Verse 23 said; And "IN HELL", he(the rich man) lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

NOTE: the word "afar off". Afar off means from a long distance.
"It is not above but afar".

So the rich man was pleading Abraham for mercy to send Lazarus to dip a finger of water to his tongue due to high torment of flame in hell fire.

Let's jump to verse 26 to understand it better.
Read below;
26KJV:And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

ESV:And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.

NIV:And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.

AMP:And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who want to pass from this [place] to you may not be able, and no one may pass from there to us.

Father Abraham said it won't be possible because of a great gulf(another translation says: chasm) was fixed between us. The gulf doesn't allow anyone to pass to any of the sides.

Let's check out the meaning of this word
👉gulf :(according to Oxford dictionary)

  1. A deep inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land, with a narrow mouth.

  2. A deep ravine, chasm, or abyss.

  3. A large difference or division between two people or groups, or between viewpoints, concepts, or situations.

‘the widening gulf between the rich and the poor’.

You can also check out the word "chasm".

So therefore, from verse 26, we could see that there was a gulf, like a gutter or pit in form of a big division that separate Abraham's bosom and hell fire. The division was big, deep and fixed that no one could neither jump nor pass over.

So, a gulf can't be in the sky. Some of us do think Abraham's bosom is in heaven, heaven can't be seen from hell. It was the gulf(chasm) that separates Abraham's bosom from hell fire.
Abraham's bosom is a place of rest.
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SOURCE: google

Thanks for checking by, hope you gained a little. Thank God for HIS word. See you soon.


Hell on earth and heaven on earth. My conclusion

Yea u just got to enjoy and spend your time ⌚ right, spending it with God is the sweetest and the easiest... Make sure no man deceives you the interpretation of the word of God always requires the invention of the holy spirit.

You are right man. Thanks for your comment

Well,i can't go by your conclusion. Those in hell would surely see those in heaven and those in heaven would see those in hell too. I would search for the Bible passage to back this up. The book of revelation talked about a see separating the heaven and hell. So, the gulf you tried to explain could mean that river.

Hmm! Great comment, let's dig deep and throw more light to this with the help of Holy Spirit. Thanks for checking by.

I appreciate your interpretation, but I think you should reconsider it, look at it from a different perspective.
According to you:
Verse 23 said; And "IN HELL", he(the rich man) "lifted up" his eyes, being in torments, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
My emphasizes is on the word "lifted up" you would only need to lift up your eyes to look up, you don't lift up your eyes to look across.
In verse 24 the rich man was pleading Abraham for mercy to send Lazarus "" to dip a finger of water to his tongue" due to high torment of flame in hell fire.
My emphasize is on the phrase "to dip a finger of water to his tongue" it can only take someone that's above you to deep his finger in water to quench your taste below.
However, your message has been passed.. Whether hell is up or down isn't really relevant all that is of utmost importance is how we can avoid going there.
Nice piece bro.

Smiles, thanks @michaelemmanuel for your comment. The word of God is powerful, full of rhema. The best thing is for us to avoid going to hell but focus on heavenly race. Thanks again

Hmm, big question and complicated topic, but i think someone has deeply answered it all @michaelemmanuel, that was really a fantastic comment. To me, Abraham is in heaven and not a neighbor to hell.

Complicated indeed but all will be known to us someday. Thanks so much for your comment @peterecheng

Great post. Its more of a revelation