If Jesus was God, how could He pray to God? Was Jesus praying to Himself?

in #steemchurch6 years ago

To comprehend Jesus as God on earth petitioning His Father in paradise, we have to understand that the endless Father and the everlasting Son had an endless relationship before Jesus took upon Himself the type of a man. If you don't mind read John 5:19-27, especially verse 23 where Jesus shows that the Father sent the Son (likewise observe John 15:10). Jesus did not turn into the Son of God when He was conceived in Bethlehem. He has dependably been the Son of God from forever past, still is the Son of God, and dependably will be.

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Isaiah 9:6 reveals to us that the Son was given and the Child was conceived. Jesus was dependably part of the tri-solidarity, alongside the Holy Spirit. The tri-solidarity dependably existed, the Father God, the Son God, and the Spirit God, not three divine beings, but rather one God existing as three people. Jesus showed that He and His Father are one (John 10:30), implying that He and His Father are of a similar substance and a similar embodiment. The Father, Son and Spirit are three corresponding people existing as God. These three had, and keep on having, an interminable relationship.

Whenever Jesus, the endless Son of God, took upon Himself righteous humankind He additionally went up against the type of a hireling, surrendering His superb transcendence (Philippians 2:5-11). As the God-man, He needed to learn submission (Hebrews 5:8) to His Father as He was enticed by Satan, denounced erroneously by men, dismissed by His kin, and in the long run killed. His going to His grand Father was to request control (John 11:41-42) and insight (Mark 1:35, 6:46). His imploring demonstrated His reliance upon His Father in His humankind to complete His Father's arrangement of reclamation, as confirm in Christ's high consecrated supplication in John 17. His supplicating exhibited that He at last submitted to His Father's will, which was to go to the cross and pay the punishment (demise) for our violating God's law (Matthew 26:31-46). Obviously, He climbed substantial from the grave, winning absolution and interminable life for the individuals who atone of transgression and put stock in Him as the Savior.

There is no issue with God the Son supplicating or conversing with God the Father. As said, they had an interminable relationship before Christ turned into a man. This relationship is portrayed in the Gospels so we can perceive how the Son of God in His humankind did His Father's will, and in doing as such, obtained recovery for His kids (John 6:38). Christ's nonstop accommodation to His eminent Father was enabled and kept centered through His supplication life. Christ's case of supplication is our own to take after.

In conclusion

Jesus Christ was no less God on earth when going to His Father in paradise. He was portraying how even in pure humankind it is important to have an essential supplication life so as to do His Father's will. Jesus' going to the Father was a showing of His relationship inside the Trinity and a case for us that we should depend on God through supplication for the quality and knowledge we require. Since Christ, as the God-man, needed a lively supplication life, so should the adherent of Christ today.



Thanks for sharing your opinion while adding some scriptural backing.

SteemChurch is made up with different Christians with different doctrines. We think it's appropriate to have biblical debates at times.

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Tbh this is a point I think about most times. Jesus also said that let not his (own personal) will take place but God's will. We also know that God sent Jesus to earth. I don't think equals can send one another on such a journey.

This is just my honest opinion. Thanks for sharing.

God the father,Son and Holy Spirit (One Supreme God manifest in Trinity).

God sent Jesus Christ to represent Him,since He represent God, He acted as God with the backup of the supreme God.

Just the same way any one that the president sent to represent him in any occasion is entitle to president treat.

I trust God is uncovered in the Father, child and soul. 3 identities, one God

Wonderful write up. Am so amaze reading this post. Guess you made your research very interesting. Need more from this.

The father manifest Himself through His son Jesus Christ in order to represent Him in on earth. He possess all the qualities of the father and when He was about living, God sent another person which is the Holy Spirit to continue the works.
The father, Son and Holy Spirit are one but made manifest in three forms

God in Trinity means God in three persons which means

  • God the Father
  • God the son
  • God the Holy Spirit
    This is often confused that they are different persons and work out of hand with each other but that's wrong they are all one God in one.
    I concur with this path of the author which is stated as follows:
    "Jesus Christ was no less God on earth when going to His Father in paradise. He was portraying how even in pure humankind it is important to have an essential supplication life so as to do His Father's will. Jesus' going to the Father was a showing of His relationship inside the Trinity and a case for us that we should depend on God through supplication for the quality and knowledge we require."

This is so awesome. Jesus was dependably part of the tri-solidarity, alongside the Holy Spirit. The tri-solidarity dependably existed, the Father God, the Son God, and the Spirit God, not three divine beings, but rather one God existing as three people. Jesus showed that He and His Father are one (John 10:30), implying that He and His Father are of a similar substance and a similar embodiment. The Father, Son and Spirit are three corresponding people existing as God. These three had, and keep on having, an interminable relationship. His supplicating exhibited that He at last submitted to His Father's will, which was to go to the cross and pay the punishment (demise) for our violating God's law (Matthew 26:31-46). Obviously, He climbed substantial from the grave, winning absolution and interminable life for the individuals who atone of transgression and put stock in Him as the Savior. Thanks for sharing

Tbh this is a point I consider generally times. Jesus additionally said that let not his (very own) will occur but rather God's will. We likewise realize that God sent Jesus to earth. I don't figure equivalents can send each other on such a trip.

SteemChurch is made up with various Christians with various teachings. We believe it's proper to have scriptural level headed discussions on occasion.

This is only my fair supposition. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing

Matthew 11:11 "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."
This explain it all. Jesus and his Father are one but he that is not born of a woman is greater!!