Venezuela breath.
He has moved, the rain has gone;
the flowers on earth have been shown,
the time of the song has come,
and in our country the voice of the turtledove has been heard.
Song of Songs 2: 11-12
How beautiful to see a flowered field! Unlike an arid, desert, cracked and infertile terrain. I'm sure we all decided to be in the first one.
As I read this beautiful verse of the Bible, I thought of my nation, Venezuela. And it filled me with hope, I applied every word of this verse in my country and that comforted me. I think there is something that can help us a lot in this time and it is to maintain hope. That faith that all this winter will happen, the strong storm will go away, until the bonanza that we all yearn for. The present will be just a memory. See that Venezuela bloom and its aroma reaches the farthest places on earth.
"The time of the song has come"
What meaning does this phrase contain?
When it's time to sing or it's music time, at a party, celebration or wedding, we all know that the environment changes, a good moment is generated, many prepare to dance, sing, shout, have a good time. I imagine it as a moment of freedom, joy, enjoyment and contentment.

Let's dream and create together that this new day will come to Venezuela.
The light will shine.And we can enjoy full joy, joy, freedom. Cheer up! This present will pass.

Let's go back to the strength every morning.
This is just a moment,
a moment that we trust is about to end.
And finally the verse ends by saying:
"And in our country the voice of the turtledove has been heard"
I do not know how many have woken up and have seen the birds near their window singing, as a sign of joy. There are people who say: "The little birds are happy because they are singing".
It will no longer be the weeping or the complaint, but we will have a new dawn, loaded with good news, through our windows we will hear a new song of joy that will come from the heart of every Venezuelan.
Because everyone who asks, receives ...
Matthew 7: 8
Until next time.
The times are of God, and the dark night does not last forever, we must do what he has commanded us to preach his word and look for the souls, today in such physical and spiritual need, let us look at the fields and go out to collect.
Amen. So is. Our mission should not stop the times we live. I am very happy for your comment and thank you for the support you give us, many blessings @ sc-v