Let's learn from the life of Moses

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Exodus 19: 6

"... And you will be a kingdom of priests, and holy people. These are the words you will say to the children of Israel ... "

Undoubtedly, he is one of the greatest leaders in history. His name is Moses, a man who obeyed God's call to perform one of the most impressive works, to be the leader who would lead an entire people of Egypt to Canaan, in a life of slavery to a life of freedom. He was a leader who led an entire nation, a nation of more than two million and leading him through a desert; It was a very difficult task, if we went into details of that leadership we would write a whole book, Moses, besides being a great leader, had to have tremendous qualities; the Word when it speaks of him, mentions as a meek and humble man, an obedient man, in Exodus 7: 6 says: "And Moses and Aaron did as Jehovah commanded them; they did it »
MOSES. Levita, was Amram's son and locabed. He was born in Heliopolis, famous city of the low Egypt. He was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh and educated "in all the wisdom of the Egyptians" (Acts 7: 20-23). He became a man "powerful in his words and deeds".
This first period of his life ended when he killed an Egyptian and had to flee to Midian (Exodus 2: 12-15). During his exile (period of 40 years) he married Zipporah, daughter of Jethro. He was a pastor when he approached the burning bush and received the call of God. When he returned to Egypt he became an emancipator and leader of Israel (period of 40 years). Moses, leader of the exodus (Exodus 5: 1), took the people to Sinai after passing by the Dead Sea (Exodus 15:22; 19: 2). There he became a lawgiver (the ten commandments are recorded in Exodus 20: 1-17 and Deuteronomy 5: 6-21). He led the Israelites from Sinai to the borders of the Promised Land, but he died in Nebo. Moses was a great prophet, general, administrator, legislator, statesman, liberator, prose writer, poet and Hebrew historian.
To reach this level he took eighty years of the life of Moses. This is not a rule but it is true that God is not in a hurry; He takes the time necessary to achieve his goal of transforming us into men like Moses, who will hear the word of God and do what he demands. He was formed in two schools, and / or I call him: The two schools of Moses:

1. The PALACIO school (lasted 40 years) was taken to that place as a baby, in a miraculous way designed by God himself, with a great purpose. In the palace school, Moses learned:

• Kingdom culture
• Prince's education
• Royal family customs
• Royal family food
• Prince's clothing
• Kingdom Vision


A. When God created everything on earth he told man everything is yours to rule over Genesis 1: 27-28 "... And God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. 28 And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the beasts that move on the earth ... "
B. That is why the Lord did not let Moses grow up with a slave mentality if with a Kingdom mentality, that is why he took him to the palace to know how a king lived and was instructed in that way.
C. ALL THIS HAS TO DO WITH THE FORMATION OF THE MIND AND THE THOUGHT OF MOSES! That is, a Kingdom mentality, a superior mentality, only a superior mentality and not a slave could fight against the slave mentality of an entire nation, that is why Moses had to have a Kingdom mentality.
Applying here to our reality is that we realize that the great problem of people when facing battles, has to do with their way of thinking, many look like victims, like slaves and all they do is blame others for their situation ;

Galatians 5: 1 "... Stand firm, therefore, in the liberty with which Christ made us free, and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery ..."

The Word says: that what man thinks, such is, one thing is to look at the problem as a patient and another is to look like a doctor, God for 40 years wanted to give Moses a different mentality, of Kingdom, of Prince, to be a great leader, he could not have the same mentality of a slave people

3. The DESERT school (lasted another 40 years)

When he left the palace he came to the desert, a radical change, suddenly after everything he could have in the palace, now in the desert he had nothing, this school is the school of the desert, that's where the character is formed , Moses could have a great mentality but if his character was weak, there would be an imbalance, God is never wrong, when He works, works full, so he took another forty years to the desert before putting him as a leader. In the desert Moses learned what it is:

• Loneliness
• The anguish
• The failure
• The chasing
• Criticism
• The murmuring of others

There was no good food, good clothes, comfort, but it was necessary, the opposite of the Palace culture. The desert does not bring healing, but it brings formation! THE DESERT HAS TO DO WITH THE TRAINING AND CHARACTER OF THE PERSON, that's where the character is formed, that's where one reaches maturity, in the Palace a SUCCESS AS A PRINCE was waiting for him, but in the desert the graduation was a VARA, this has a great spiritual teaching, the VARA is authority, and it is the formed character that attains authority, authority to face the battles, for that reason God said to Moses: "... And you lift your staff, and extend your hand over the sea and divide it ... "(Exodus 14:16).
With the VARA he made the red sea split in half, he made water flow from the rock, in the desert he won it, and that helped him to take a whole nation forward. God gave him the balance in his formation, not only gave him correct thought and vision, but also gave him character, perhaps at this moment you are fighting battle, you feel in the desert, dry and discouraged, God is giving you character, a VARA it will be your graduation, and with that you will split seas, you will make water sprout from the rocks, you will see great miracles in your life.


God also took us out of Egypt (WORLD) to become kings and to have authority, from Slaves we become part of the Divine kingdom, and there will be many deserts but in those deserts God is forming our character.

With the mentality of slaves we can not conquer, we are already a chosen lineage for God.

1 Peter 2: 9 "... But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people purchased by God, so that you may proclaim the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light ..."