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RE: Another classic conservative SirKnight rant titled: And they call it 'progress.'

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Funny thing, yesterday evening while taking a shit I pondered about my prospect of getting married.
My parents are approaching Fifty years together and they've literally lived through for better or for worst. Sometimes they narrate their ordeals they've faced and how they came through it and still persevered.
I relate that to these days when its twice as difficult for a young man to make head way in life and a large population of women demanding this myth called "financial stability" to even consider you. It makes me fear for my future and how its going to be. Its really scary


(Lol) Funny how us blokes do some of our most productive thinking whilst sitting on the crapper Belemo.

These socialist governments are undermining the male role (resource / financial provider) in the family - there is no doubt about this.

Your saving grace however Belemo may actually be cryptocurrency. You can't build up your wealth in fiat any longer as governments worldwide print cash at a faster rate than you or I can save. So hodl, hodl as much as you can! This knight reckons that good hodlers will have no trouble catching birds in a few years.


I'll do just that SK. I really hope you're right because the future seems very bleak right now