in #steemchurch6 years ago


(2Timothy 2:1)
”And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”

There are two virtues that appeals to God as highlighted by our scriptural text today. It therefore should be the focus of our pursuit: faithfulness and discipleship. A faithful man is one in whom your faith is full, one you can vouch for and trust going by his track record of being dependable. And discipleship involves teaching and leading others towards a particular cause or vision.

God is always searching for faithful men whom He could commit more grace to handle more responsibilities in His kingdom. He is not just expecting you to come to church, listen to a sermon and return home the way you came. Instead, He desires that you faithfully live out His word and move to pass it on to others who He has placed around you. Glory to God!

Your aspirations as a child of God should therefore grow to get to the point where you faithfully adhere to the word of God and begin to teach others also. You can begin by stepping up your commitment and embracing the available platforms to make disciples for Christ in your local church. Hallelyuah!


(Isaiah 58:6)
“Is not this the fast that I have chosen? Toloose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?”

God takes no pleasure in seeing you suffer. When you call to Him in the day of trouble, He answers. In times of pain, confusion and disappointment, He sends His Word to heal, comfort and direct us. We especially see how that Jesus called on those who needed rest to come unto Him, and He promised to make their burden light (Mark 11:28). Glory to God!

In like manner, God wants you to bring succour to those who are unduly burdened and oppressed around you with every opportunity you get, and especially when you fast. Seek out those who you have the capacity to help and support until they can stand on their feet. And as often as the Holy Ghost impresses it on your heart, seek to ease the pain and sufferings of others, especially when it is in our power to do so. Halleluyah!

Also, do not hesitate to make life easier for someone around you by your words, actions and kind gestures. Relieve those under servitude, and help others break free from the cycle of lack, just as Christ Himself would have done. Halleluyah!


This is instructive thanks for sharing

We can't say we are truly serving God when we don't help others that needs our help.

Touch a life. The life’s you touch will be the proof that you lived

Teaching others is the key, because we will help them grow spiritually and as we do we are helping ourself too

What i feel is that we can help other grow no doubt but what happens in a situation when nobody wishes to grow?

You pray for them.