Holy Pack

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Beloved Blessings of Steemchurch


Do you know those documentaries that happen on television, telling the life of animals? Well, one day I heard one that told the life of the elephants, their customs, their ways of organizing and living. They are very intelligent animals and they live in groups, in packs, one helping the other and one close to the other. When one of them moves away from the group, then their leader goes to meet them and brings them close.

So we must also live, in an organized way in communion with one another. There is a power of God given to all who live in communion with their brother (Psalm 133: 1). The simple fact of being there, with those people and in communion, living in tune with those who seek the same faith in God, has the same goal and dreams our dreams, brings us to the beasts of God and his wonderful will.

Have you heard the phrase of the type: I do not need the church (temple) to be saved? In fact, however, we need the communion of the saints so that God blesses us, and I find it difficult to have communion with God without being with the brothers. The devil hate to see the communion of the saints and does everything so that there is not. There is always a fight of couples before the cults, a disagreement, an unexpected visit and other impediments so that we do not go to church. And, many times, we err when we stop going, either because we are brigados or because of some health problem. Ai that should go to the right, because that is where God sends his blessing (Psalm 133: 1, 3).

The people of God will be stronger when the first rows of the chairs of the temples are disputed at all costs, being closer to the altar to hear better the preaching and not to say amen to all that is spoken in the pulpits, without first having the certainty that he speaks with the Word of the Lord, hear and sing better hymns of praise and thank God for everything he did and is doing for us, without looking to the left or to the right, without knowing if the little brother from behind or from the sides are standing or sitting, if he laughs or cries in the presence of God, because it is his moment with God and mine too.

And as he reverently prays to God, praise him for his greatness and even with many problems, decide to magnify his name and exalt His Majesty, to do that for which I was created: to praise his glory (Ephesians 1: 1; 6). I believe that in these moments, the Lord calls one of his angels and gives the following order: Go and fight for him, do everything so that they do not stop praising me, destroy those enemies that try against his life, open all door that is closed and closes those that were not to be open, restore their relationships, san to all their wounds and bring health, prosperity and peace for him and his loved ones.

I feel pleasure in your prayers and praises, because I see in him a contrite heart and a broken spirit and I feel very happy to be in communion with myself and with my brothers, this is what the Lord says.

The blessing and the curse come from the same source: GOD. The presence of God in our lives is a blessing for us, just as his absence, with certainty, brings us all kinds of curses. The closer we are to the LIGHT, the less darkness there will be in our lives.

The church is the place where we learn to serve other people. All of us, when we accept Christ, then decide to serve God. God does not need to be served directly, He has His angels at His disposal and the way to serve Him is to serve others, be it in the church, on the streets, at work, at school, at home with the family. He himself gave us the example washing the feet of the apostles and, after finishing, said: Do you understand what I did with you? You all call me Lord and Master and tell him well, because I am. Now, if I, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet, because I have set an example for you, so that, as I did, you do also. (John 13: 12; 15)

There is a supernatural power in this "holy flock", when we are all in communion with one another, in the same spirit, with the same purposes and seeking the Lord. The hosts of evil and operating in the celestial regions look towards that communion and tremble with fear, because where there are two or more gathered in the name of the Lord and praising His name, He dwells in the midst of these praises and it is in that communion that His power is revealed to us, bearing, beloved brother do not despise this communion, do not stop going to this communion.

At the end of one of our services, my son asked me: Mom, did the service end? I said: not my son, the cult is resumed when crossing that door, because we will stop being a fixed church and we will be an itinerant church!