Jesus Christ has carried out the work of Christ in a determined way, that act of redemption has meant salvation for all humanity for all generations, so that each person through their time on earth can know God.
Because the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are lost; But to those who are saved, that is, to us, it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
We can see the scene of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as a paradox since it shows the power of God and at the same moment it is showing the weakest moment of the life of Jesus Christ, engraved there with hands and feet on a piece of wood , seemed totally helpless.
There are times when we try to experience strength in a dramatic violent way, but in situations like this, strength is simply the decision and determination to resist, let us remember that the Lord Jesus Christ had all authority in heaven and on earth What kept him on the cross?
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Matthew 28:18
Love for all humanity was what kept the Lord Jesus Christ thus nailed to the cross, he had already contemplated our eternal destiny, his death was necessary to ensure our salvation.
That power did not end when Jesus Christ died, his death and resurrection opened the eternal doors of salvation for all those who receive by faith the life of Jesus Christ and the justification as well as forgiveness to have that place in the world. darling. After this act of redemption on the cross of Calvary, the cross and everything it implies in the act of redemption of Jesus Christ continues to be power for the life of the children of God. Billions of people experience transformation as a result of Jesus Christ's victory on the cross of Calvary.
Not only has he freed us from eternal damnation, today he frees us from every sinful act and thought to live for him, live in newness of life, we live in his justice.
The Lord Jesus Christ does not impose anything on anyone, his benefits are not an imposition, everything that the Lord offers is for those who choose to believe in him, for those who decide to walk in his ways. When we walk with the Lord, when we accept that powerful work of the cross on our behalf, the work of God increases in us.