Month of miracle...September

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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Good day and a very happy/beautiful new month to every steemian. How are we aall doing? How has was the previous month (August)? How was our first quarter of this year and the second? Whats our expectations in the third qurater commencing with september. I hope we haven't allowed the issues in the country, Political, social, financial and the likes to crash our spirit, break and or mar the vibes of God's Love over our soul annd consequently kill our resolve to succed anyways.

Very quickly i want us to understand a few things. Though i might not have them itemized, it is of utmost importance that we bear in mind the riches of God's Love and very significantly his MIRACLES
Yes miracles one would wanna ask why miracles and i will respond; why not miracles?
A number of Us had plans, goals and aspirations. I make good to say that a nunber of Us are if not already quashing our plans outrightly, we are simply rearranging it or modifying it. Simple truth about this that we are getting fedup or tired or even giving up totally about what we had hoped to achieve.
There is this unholy rush and fear of thr unknown which usually characterise the Ember months or like i call it SEASON, be that as it may God is saying; "be thou not dismayed neither discouraged he is also saying FEAR not.
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Without doubt only miracles can bring many of Us into our places of fulfilment, honour and satisfaction in this remaining quarter of the year, for God has said with HIM nothing shall be impossible. The bibles says about Jesus "of How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with holy Ghost and power and he went about doing good..." For believers the bibles says the glory of the later shall surpass the former. This glory is through the power of Miracles of th LORD.
We need miracles because there world needs to see God through us not just in our service but also in the physical and this physical comes in the form of miraculous manifestation.
We need miracles in this season season for a change of status quo and the actualization of our desire, set hoals and objectives for the year.
God's desire for us 3John 2.
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So folks listen amongst other things in the remaining part of this year I, YOU, WE all need MIRACLES, else people will ask us where is the God we serve?
So as I welcome you into this beautiful new month, beyond all i might have written and more. It is my prayer that the almighty God will make this month a Month of Miracle for Us in Jesus name.
But please lets NOTE: You must be born again. John3:16; Matt 6:33.
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God bless you for reading, upvoting and resteeming.

Still Elisedaniels...Love for the Gospel.