Greater wealth and security is proportional to your well-being with God!
Dear Community!
We tend to think that we should live in a certain way and sustain our possessions to be safe. Who does not like security? But Jesus speaks to us with love, saying: do not worry about the foundations of life, food and clothing. We must remember that life consists of more than just these things; They may be good, but they are not the reason to live.
I can almost hear our Lord Jesus Christ saying:
The inheritance of a rich man had produced much. And he thought within himself, saying: What shall I do, because I have nowhere to keep my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build them greater, and there will I store all my fruit and my goods; and I will say to my soul: Soul, many goods you have kept for many years; rejoice, eat, drink, rejoice. But God said to him: You fool, tonight your soul comes to ask you; and what you have provided, whose will it be? So is he who makes treasure for himself, and is not rich with God.
Luke 12: 16-21
Is there a place where you can find security and stability before what happens in the world or in ourselves? Can we look to the future with hope, without taking into account the circumstances of life? In today's days, many students are seeing the value of God as a constant. The world around us is in permanent change, but God does not change. He is stable, reliable; He says, "Is there another God apart from me? No, there is no other Rock, I do not know any, In fact, I, the Lord, do not change." (Isaiah 44: 8, Malachi 3: 6) God is always near. You can count on him. He is "the same yesterday, today and forever." (Hebrews 13: 8) God can make himself known, gives us confidence, puts his heart in a safe place.
My brothers, those who have to serve God, must understand that the greatest wealth and security is to be right with God. Think of the poverty of this rich, although it is somewhat paradoxical, spent his whole life clinging to the temporary security provided by the material goods, in order to account, in his last breath, it served him nothing.
On the other hand, we hear the sweet voice of Jesus:
Therefore I say to you: Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, what you have to wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Behold the birds of the air, which do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than them?
Matthew 6: 25-26
The value you have for God is indescribable, have you ever counted your hair? God already took account of them.
Jesus Christ is not necessarily calling us to take vows of poverty; but if it gives us a universal command: every Christian, regardless of his socioeconomic status, should avoid the ties that material possessions have.
The Doctor and Evangelist Luke, offers an example, telling of a young man who approached Jesus asking him what he has to do to inherit eternal life. On the surface, this young man seems to have his life in order: he is rich and seems to be a moral person. But when Jesus later looks at him and says: "You still lack one thing: Sell everything you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me "(Luke 18:22), the man" was very sad because he was very rich. "This man, who seemed to be moral and respectable, shows himself to be a slave to his worldly riches.
How can we avoid that kind of poverty?
Being generous to those in need. Generosity requires intentionality, planning and sacrifice; If you do not practice it, you will be seduced by the world.
Today our Leader Sirknight told me a very important sentence: "The rewards of steem are thin, but we continue for love!" It is a perfect key to understand that we do things for love and God in his time will reward the faithful.
We mice reckon you are off to a pretty good start here Brother Emilio.
Thanks you my dears snnifscurry
He who lives under the shelter of God's love can be sure that with money or without money, God will sustain him!
Amen my dear Lorennys
Many times I suffer from anxiety and I think that getting money or things I can calm the anxiety but it turns out that I go to God in prayer and it passes me.
Go to prayer calm anxiety, thank you for your comment
The perfect love of God casts out fear! Your message is clear and precise. God continue to bless SteemChurch and all Parishioners!
Amen Aranzaive, Thanks you
Your publication reminded me of a very famous verse, Brother EC, many times we feel fear of the future and insecurity! but God says: For I know the thoughts that I think about you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you the end you hope for.
Jeremiah 29:11
The love of God is everything and not the many riches that provide a certain security!
There is no uncertain future for those who trust in God Kristal
important words brother a greeting @emiliocabrera
Greetings brother, thanks
be given not all have it, to prefer their benefit, it is pleasant to see a person receive a blessing his face of joy and know that they value him as a person and let him know that God has not forgotten all hope revives.
Amen brother, thanks you for comment
Good Reflection Brother! God bless SteemChurch and all the projects!
Amen and thanks
This means a lot to me:
On the other hand, we hear the sweet voice of Jesus:
That's why I tell you: do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; or for your body, what you have to use Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Behold the birds of the heavens, which do not sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you worth much more than them?
Matthew 6: 25-26
We can not add a centimeter to the size no matter how hard we are! Thanks you for comment