in #steemchurch6 years ago

Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. " (Matthew 19:13)




At present we see how young people are being targeted by the enemy, a constant attack that often does not end well, because many fall into drugs, rebellion and painful events that mark their lives forever. That is why it is so important to take our children to have a true relationship with God, a real and genuine friendship that gives him solid foundations to grow with principles of love, mercy and truth in the heart, a task that will not be complete if parents do not get involved by presenting an appropriate model to children where implicit prayer, search and reading of the word, well, let's not forget that children who learn to pray as children can develop a powerful and effective prayer life better than children who are not taught.



Most parents strive to be good providers, as we are taught in (1 Timothy 5.8). But God wants parents to provide much more than the basic needs of a physical life. He wants us to be able to provide the spiritual nourishment required to lead a correct life, which will produce eternal life as a result.

Let's carefully review God's instructions found in chapter 6 of Deuteronomy. First let's look at verse 5: "And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength." In order to effectively teach the way of God to our children, we must begin by ourselves and come to love the Lord intensely.

We continue verse 6 and 7: "And these words that I command you today will be on your heart; and you shall repeat them to your children, and you shall speak of them when you are in your house, and when you walk by the way; and when you lie down, and when you get up. " This verse teaches us to keep talking about them incessantly.

If you learn to do this with your children you will be greatly inspired and rewarded by seeing how your children learn and grow spiritually.


Children are a gift from God

We are aware of the great treasure that children are and the potential they represent. We have an opportunity that is priceless as we cultivate thirst for God in our children. The home is the most powerful influence to develop positive emotional and spiritual growth. Take care of your treasures that are priceless, knowing that in your investment of time and energy you will reap tremendous benefits.

Use simple language

The world of the child is the here and now, of what you see and know. The way in which he understands things is literal and concrete. The words and phrases in the Bible that are symbols or metaphors make little sense to children. For example, "in my heart I have kept your sayings" may have meaning and importance for adults but not for children. Use simple and concrete words and phrases when speaking and singing of God to help children in their spiritual life.

Make the Bible part of your family life

The Bible must be the center of your home. It must be recognized as the source of truth. How many times does your child see you read the Word of God? Do you promote reading and watching Christian programs in your home? The Bible in the contemporary language and material related to the Bible can cultivate the growth and spiritual development of a child. Try a family night once a week at home. A Bible game and reading together Bible stories are ways to focus on the spiritual while having fun as a family.

They need the church as support

Relationships are the key to spiritual growth. You and your child should be connected with others within the family of your church who can provide the support and encouragement needed to cultivate spiritual growth. Sunday school can be a powerful means of taking your child with peers of the same age to study and learn about God at his level. Do not stop attending your church! In a hectic and hectic world, your family can not live without this vital institution. Make church attendance a routine for you and your children.


b) It allows them to grow in faith and face fears and challenges.

c) They learn to thank God for their kindness.

d) Allow them to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness.

e) They learn to intercede for others.

f) Children learn to express their feelings towards God freely.


Let us instruct our children in the Word of God not only to make them wiser, quieter and more stable, but because by walking in obedience to the Word of God they will have the support and protection of the Lord in all the moments of their lives and that, It is the best vaccine against the imminent dangers that you will have to face every day.

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We are aware of the great treasure that children are and the potential they represent. We have an opportunity that is priceless as we cultivate thirst for God in our children. The home is the most powerful influence to develop positive emotional and spiritual growth. Take care of your treasures that are priceless, knowing that in your investment of time and energy you will reap tremendous benefits.

Much of what a child learns is assimilated rather than learned. The reflection of your faith in God is a lasting image that will form the concept of God in your child. Is your faith based on a list of rules and obligations? Does vitality and authenticity lack in your spiritual life? What your child should see in you is a deep dependence on God and his consistent expressions of God's love in his relationships with others and his daily choices.

It really is a good message as the Bible instructs the child in his way and when he grows up he will never turn away from him. And this is how children are the secret weapon to teach them to be warriors of God. BLESSINGS!!

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