in #steemchurch6 years ago
And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer”Revelation 6:2

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At the point when all was set for Jesus to take the last excursion to Jerusalem, He sent for an ass to pass on Him. One would have felt that a steed would have brought more pageantry than an ass. What educated His decision? One reason was that the Scripture anticipated it

Zechariah 9:9 says, Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

From birth to absolution, clothing to proportion, everything Jesus did was by Scriptures. Indeed, even His demise satisfied the expression of God.

There is another reason Jesus picked the ass over the steed, and this needs to do with the differing imageries of these two large animals load. An ass, as Zechariah puts it, is a modest creature, an image of quietude. Jesus was not going to ride on a steed which on one hand is an image of grandeur and display. He showed that His Kingship isn't after the example of this world. The pony additionally speaks to war. The principal happening to Jesus was not to take up arms; He came to accommodate man to God. He came as Prince of peace. Be that as it may, as our content calls attention to, some time or another He will ride on the pony with all trademark wrath of the Man of war. On the off chance that we say hosanna to Him today we require not fear the day of rage.

“When You said, “Seek My face,” My heart said to You, “Your face, Lord, I will seek”. Psalm 27:8

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Multi day King Ahasuerus made an inquiry: "What will be improved the situation the man whom the ruler enjoyments to respect?" By the time the window ornament was drawn on that day, Mordecai had not exclusively been marched on horseback round town in some type of triumph lap, he had similarly been raised over his partners. What's more, in a matter of days, he turned into the following man in rank to the ruler. All these originate from the way that the ruler had a great time him. Obviously, the pleasure originated from an existence sparing demonstration of Mordecai for the ruler. In Bible days, it was standard to see lords hoist and respect individuals with whom they were satisfied. Rulers, both at that point and now, are containers of respect. Satisfying them is seeking significance.

In our content, David conveyed to the open one of his few private discussions with God. He had been advised to concentrate his vitality on looking for God's face. Put in setting, that way to always work towards enchanting God in words and deeds. The reward for offering enjoyment to God is divine advancement. In the event that no one but we can make our main expect to offer joy to God, numerous things we long and appeal to God for will go off our petition list. On the off chance that natural lords can administer respects to those in whom they are satisfied, the amount more respect will come our direction in the event that we satisfy the King of rulers!


We should worship the king of glory in pleasure and joy, and not come into his holy presence in agony because if we say hallelujah to him today we will have no fear of the day of fury. Let us continue praising his holy name.

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