Matthew 24: 37-39; Luke 17: 34

That Christians may know that we are close to the return of Christ and we need to stand out for Him. In Matthew 24 and Luke 17Jesus gave us a clear warning and indication of what this world will be like near the time of His return.

Looking forward to the time just before His return, Christ saw the scene of this world and it was a mirrorofwhat it was like back in Noah's days. Despite the pleas of the man of God in those days, people refused to turn to God and they were destroyed. Only the righteous few were saved. These evils have now been turned into entertainment. This world is now entertained by the very things for which God
destroyed the world in Noah's days!

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It doesn't take a genius to figure out that we are living in the time Jesus talked about. Like the days of Noah, we are in the time when violence, wickedness, sexual immorality and homosexuality control the minds of men and women alike. Take a look around you.

Turn on the TV and you will see a world full of evil, corruption, violence and sexual immorality. Let's take homosexuality as an example. From 2001 to the point of writing this lesson, 14 countries have fully legalized homosexual marriage. They are Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, New Zealand, Uraguay and France. Parts of North and South America are in the process of doing the same. And the list is growing all the time. Even though Nigeria has not legalized homosexuality, it has been in practice here fora longtime. In fact in northern Nigeria, homosexuals are called "DanDawodu."

How was it in the days of Noah? (Genesis 6:5, 11, 12)

  • The people were disobedient to the commandments of God.

  • The world in Noah's day was full of wickedness. The thoughts of men were continually evil.

  • The earth was corrupt and filled with violence. "...for all flesh had corrupted his way upon earth".

  • Love had surely 'waxed cold' in Noah's day

Happenings in our present day

  • The world today is full of violence (ISIS, Boko Haram, kidnapping, ritual killings fer political power,for money and even for spiritual power by so-called "menof God," killings by Fulani herdsmen, etc.)

  • Sexual immorality, including homosexuality, is rampant. Gays, lesbians and transgender now head some churches!

  • We no longer value human life as in the past. Violent people kill. Abortion is increasing. New babies are sold for money while in some countries abortion is encouraged so that the parts of the babies could be sold for money.

  • We are after prosperity and enjoyment by all means. Those who profess to be Christians are lusting after things. There is a lot of fraud and corruption in the world.

  • The technology giants want to suppress Christianity. From YouTube to Google to Facebook, the gospel message is censored and evil is glorified. They are preparing the way for "Mark of the Beast" technology.

  • The rise of strong delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). God sends strong delusion to those who will not believe. (They believe Islam is good; Muslims are peaceful - we serve the same god; gays and transgender should be allowed to act the way they feel; Israel is evil and should not exist, etc).

This lesson will continue later this week with a focus on more signs of the end-time, and is warning for all who will care to heed it.

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Good to hear from you estheromoyiwola, Thanks for sharing with Us!


The days of Noah were truly one of the best.
Lord knows.

Today, we find the majority of people in the world choosing the 'broad way' that leads to destruction, because the way to eternal life is too narrow for them. They say that you don't need to keep God's Commandments. They say that we can worship God any way we like. They say that it is ok to like the things of this world.

My dear mattew 24...narrate everything we need to know partaining the end time..let him who has ear let him hear ......The devil has harden people's heart to the gospel of truth