1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

AIM: That we may be prepared to meet Christ In the air.

There are two phases to Christ's second coming. The first phase is when Christ will come to meet His own In the alr. The other phase Is when Christ sholl come with HIS own to the earth. Each phase has its different purpose. The first phase Is called the rapture. The second phase is when Christ shall come with the saints from Heaven to earth, after the seven years of the judgment of the saints (2 Corinthians 5:10). Mentions are made of the events that will occur on earth during that seven—year period (Revelation 12:6; 11:2—3; 13:5).



  • Christ will receive believers of all ages, dead and alive. These are bought with a price (l Corinthians 6:20). They are also called His Bride and the Church. He is washing her to make her pure (Ephesians 5: 25 — 27), and will eventually bring her to Himself. Christ's heart is always longing for a close fellowship with His own.

  • As long as we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6). One df the major reasons why believers are still at home in the body is that they can win the world for God. Jesus said to God the Father, "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world" (John 17:18).

  • When we die or "fall asleep," we are absent from the body and at home with the Lord in Spirit (Luke 16: 14 — 31; Revelation 6:9). It will be a joyful thing for us to be at home with the Lord. But if He spares us to continue to live, it is for the benefit ofthe brethren (Philippians 1:21 — 24).

  • The ultimate goal of redemption is salvation of the body and the souls
    (Romans 8:23). In Adam, all human race died. But in Christ, all who believe
    and receive Him are made alive (l Corinthians 15:22). God does not want anyone to go to hell, which was made for Satan and his demons. God has made a provision to save man is body and soul. Unfortunately,many people have refused to welcome this provision Into their lives.

  • The Bible teaches, however, that flesh and blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God (ICorinthians 15:50). Paul described the change thit will occur as a mystery. John also said when we see Him, we shall be changed to be like Him.

  • This explains why Christ programmed certain changes into His coming in the air. Those changes will enable believers to inherit the promised mansion (John 14:1-3). They include the following:

The dead in Christ shall be raised up first and will put on new bodies such as Christ had at His resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:23).

Believers who are alive shall be changed from corruptible to incorruptible, from mortal to immortal, that our bodies may be conformed to His glorious body (1 Corinthians 15:53).

Believers will experience three important things after the rapture of the church: The judgment of the believers, rewards and the marriage supper of the Lamb.


  • Believers have already been judged on the cross of Christ for their sins (Isaiah 53:6-10; 2 Corinthians 5:21). They shall not be judged again with regard to their sins (John 5:24).

  • At Christ's return, no believer shall be called upon to account for his sins. When on earth, the believer was already chastened for the sins he committed, so that he may not be condemned later with the world (ICorinthians 11:32).

  • Believers are saved by grace through faith. However, we are saved to do good works (Ephesians 2:8-10).

  • The Bible tells us that believers' work will be tested by fire when we meet with Christ in the air. If they are of wood, hay or stubble, the works will be consumed by fire. Believers whose works are burnt will be saved as through fire (1 Corinthians 3:15).


  • Believers are saved to do good works. They will be rewarded for good stewardship of the talents given to them to trade with, for opportunities given to them to witness and for their wealth that they managed well or otherwise (Galatians 6:7).

  • They that sowed sparingly shall reap sparingly (2 Corinthians 9:6).

  • The Bible speaks of five different crowns forbelievers. They are:

  • The crowns of righteousness for those who fought the good fight and finished the race (2 Timothy 4:7, 8).

  • Incorruptible crown (1 Corinthians 9:25-27).

  • The crown of life for the martyrs (Revelations 2:10).

  • The crown of rejoicing for soul winners (1 Thessalonians 2:19, 20).

  • The crown of glory for under-shepherds who were good examples to the flock (1 Peter 5:2-4).

Dear friends, How many crowns will you receive from Christ? Have a great day!

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Good to hear from you E, Thanks for sharing with Us!


JESUS is coming very soon

This is the most important event for us Christians. The coming of our Lord. And it is at the doors. Everything indicates that we are in the last few days, so we must be prepared as his word says because the day or the hour we do not know, so at any moment he can come.

Answering your question, I do not know which crown would touch me, but the crown that is for me, I will give it to my Lord Jesus because thanks to Him I was able to achieve many things in this world, without Him we are nothing. Only with being at his feet would be the best space gransioso. Thanks for sharing.

thanks for this post. you have remind us that Christ is coming again and we should be free from sins.