in #steemchurch6 years ago

If you are going to have God ruling over your finances so that it doesn't hinder the way of your worship, you have to learn spirit-financing.


Because you did not serve the Lord your God with joy and gladness of heart for the abundance of all things, therefore you shall serve your enemies who the Lord will send against you in hunger, thirst and nakedness. Deut 28:47

I don't want to serve money or spend my life struggling with my needs and ever increasing human wants. No I want to serve God with joy and gladness - nothing distracting me. I want to be happy while worshiping Him. I want to walk out of a session of worship and receive wisdom that would take my finance to the next level; I want to see financial disorderliness and chaos giving way to order and peace. I want to see God moving in and putting my financing in shape. This is what happens when we do spirit-financing - when we worship Him without distractions.

You shouldn't try it your own way first. Don't struggle out there on your own, end up in financial pains and then come to worship with all that garbage pulling your heart in different directions.

If you are always charging interests and percentages over every Kobo; looking for ways to get.

Spirit-financing means that you develop the attitude of the righteous. Stop complaining about your lack. It means stop feeling sad about what you don't have. If you don't acquire the attitude of the righteous, you will struggles all through your life.

Jesus had just five loaves of bread yet he was satisfied because He knew what God could do with the little possessed by the righteous. That attitude beats covetousness and sends it packing!
This allows you to worship better. Worship amplified your righteousness. And the more righteousness is amplified, the better what little you have becomes.

Let your conduct be without covetousness. Be satisfied with such thing as you have for he himself has said I will never leave you nor forsake you. So that you may boldly say the Lord is my helper. I will not fear what man may do to me. Hebrew 13:5,6.


You won't fear what any human economy may do to you. You dont have to turn your back on God to be rich. No. All you need is the mental conditioning of the righteous. I can tell you stories of men who lived for money, without any consideration for God, only to lose it all in the end. I also know of righteous men who stood their ground and outlasted such unrighteous ones. There's something about the wicked- no matter how much they have, it keeps depleting. As for the righteous, the little he has keeps expanding. Praise God.



Thank you @florawilliams for sharing this wonderful message on finance and how to call it forth.
Upvoted and resteemed.