Go up to the tree and receive your blessing.

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

Luke 19: 5-6

5 When Jesus came to that place, looking up, he saw him, and said: Zacchaeus, hurry, come down, because today it is necessary for me to have you in your house.
6 Then he came down quickly and received him joyfully.

Zacchaeus a man who dedicated to collect the taxes to his own countrymen and compatriots, on the part of a foreign government, that had in slavery to the Jews at that time. Because he was a worker of the Romans, he was hated by his own neighbors and the people around him hated him, Luke 19: 7 On seeing this, everyone murmured, saying that he had come to pose with a sinful man.


He was dry land, nobody wanted, they told him there comes the traitor of his race, the one who sold his soul to the Romans, beware of the bad dwarf, no one wanted him, it was so much, that at the time he wanted to see Jesus, no one gave him a way to see the teacher.Jesus of Nazareth is the only one who can change a dry land, in one that manages milk and honey, in a land that can bear fruit worthy of repentance. Jesus himself told the Samaritan woman, in the book of John 4:14 plus he who drank of the water that I will give him, he will never thirst; but the water that I will give him will be in him a source of water that will spring up for eternal life. That is the water that you and I need, it is the one that transforms lives. Zacchaeus and the Samaritan woman were dry land, who longed for a change in their lives, something that would turn that dry land into a fruitful land and the opportunity they had to transform their lives would take advantage of it, and Jesus of Nazareth appeared the opportunity of their lives .

Then Zacchaeus made the most important decision of his life. He decided to be healed, he decided to be healed, he decided to change his life, he said I do not want to be the same, I do not want to be dry land, and here is my opportunity Jesus of Nazareth is passing through the city.
Luke 19: 5 When Jesus came to that place, looking up, he saw him, and said to him: Zacchaeus, hurry, come down, because today it is necessary for me to have you in your house.
Our Lord Jesus, always overflowing love in the lives of people who need it, to a person that others hated, who did not want him, the Lord Jesus with his voice full of love, raises his eyes to the top and calls him his name, without contempt, without anger and without hatred, only Zacchaeus says hurry, descends, because today it is necessary that I possess in your house

Zacchaeus, hurry up; the gentleman says to Zacchaeus that there is no time, the moment is now, I need to bless you, I have the need to give you love, descend it is the time to give you the blessing and stop being dry land and change your life, that of your family and your generation. I want to pose in your house, I want to pose in your life.

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in to him and have dinner with him, and he with me.

As the first act that his life has changed, Zacchaeus obeys and descends quickly, joyfully receives the Lord, he says within himself, this man who is a prophet, who is holy, knows me, knows who I am, does not hate me anymore have dinner with me in my house.

Many people spend their whole lives trying to listen, to see a sign that comes from God, and has them and many times in front of their noses, but it is up to people to decide to be healed, to decide to be healed.

Luke 9: 8 Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, "Behold, Lord, half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have disappointed anyone, I give it back four times.

The love shown by the Lord Jesus and the decision to be healed, made that dry land that he ere, in a fruitful land that blessed others, to those people that dry land had taken something away in some time. Now it is a land that gives quadrupled to others.

2nd Chronicles 7: 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land.

This man did exactly as the previous verse says. He humbled himself by climbing the tree, the others laughed at him, he did not care, he looked for the way to see the face of the Lord, he turned from his bad attitudes and became a healed land that bears fruit.

Brothers, I invite you to change, to be like a Zacchaeus who longs to see the Lord, who wants to be healed and change his life, to be a good land of blessing. ✞ = ❤