School tasks ... how effective are they?

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Are home school assignments really necessary? Is the goal of involving parents in the educational process of their children? Does the student really reinforce the given contents while performing their tasks?

The school is responsible for imparting educational content; Through it, the different areas necessary for the academic education of every child are learned. The home is labeled as the first school, because there we began the teaching-learning process essential for the integral formation of individuals, mainly with the manners and social values ​​to interact and develop in society.


But what happens when you try to link the family with the school?

In many cases discrepancies arise between the opinion of teachers with that of parents and / or representatives, related to the way in which education is delivered. And this happens worldwide. Mainly the famous "homework or school assignments" are very questioned.

The main objective of this pedagogical strategy is to integrate or link parents and children in the educational event, so that the student reinforces what they have learned in the classroom and the parents verify that this learning is consolidated or in the process of achieving it. We could also limit the importance of socializing among family members when performing these tasks, taking advantage of this moment to praise, motivate, recognize and admire the effort of each child to do things well and the progress made.


However, we have noticed that these assignments do not meet these objectives. There are teachers who teach very simple classes and for the home they practically ask to develop the class through extensive handmade writings, or they request to elaborate models where more score will have the most showy, motivating the parents to realize some luxury monuments ... assignments where it is impossible for the child to perform them on their own, because of how complex it turns out to be. In short, things like this lead to children and their parents feel the time to do tasks a real "torture."


As teachers, we must bear in mind that currently, both parents (mom-dad) work mainly; Their working hours are very long, they arrive home exhausted and do not have the patience that teachers have in the art of teaching. Going home and meeting with "frustrated" children who can not carry out their tasks as complicated or extensive as they are, do not help the family dynamics. Much less, restricting the sharing of all weekends because they have to prepare a number of written works or study to submit several evaluations the following week. So, we ask parents to dedicate quality time to their children, recreation, coexistence ... and we saturate them with homework.

I think it's not congruent!


We are going to internalize what has been explained. With this I do not mean that we eliminate the tasks ... we only verify if the task really reinforces the knowledge, or saturates; which are more analytical, more experimental; that they fulfill the objective of involving the family, not the rejection; that the child loves his school, not that he cries for having to go to it. Consider our teaching action, dear colleagues; or is he a better teacher who gives more classes, or who assigns more tasks? ...

"The best teacher is the one who really becomes meaningful to his students, remembered for his dedication, love and empathy."


Until a new opportunity!


Thanks for this article!!! Kids shouldn't worry about piles of unfinished work they don't care about....School.... school school It's all they do in their lives. Where does it leave the time to be creative and develop skills, strengths and talents.

That's right ... we heard from childhood that we must study to be "someone in life", but we really come to this world to be "happy". Thanks for your appreciation.