STEEMCHURCH: If God's instructions were: "Do not lie or raise false testimonies." ¿Why the deception?

Today we observe and hear many lies in our society. In homes, on the streets, by the media, in schools and stop counting. Where most people at some point cheat or are deceived, either a personal level by: friends, siblings, parents, partners, children, or professionals by their partner, co-workers.
Being a victim of a deception is the worst thing that can happen to someone, it is a situation that generates feelings of rage impotence, not only for who is deceived but also for deceived, for believing in them, for your trust, product of betrayal, generation distrust in the person who has been deceived and even desires of another at least have tried against his own life.
Some people say cheat to protect the other, so as not to hurt their feelings.
Among these deceptions are:
• The deception that is done to the children when the parents can not take it to the place where they go, so that they do not cry. For example I go to the doctor, they are going to inject me or when the belief that it is San Nicolás who brings them the gifts at Christmas.
• The deceit that hides infidelity in relationships, inventing many lies to your partner who is innocent of their intentions, to be with the other or the other, lies that usually end up discovering and as a result the relationship ends It affects the whole family.
• The deceptions made by some co-workers, the product of professional envy, whether by raising lies from him to his bosses or other colleagues. Generating labor disagreements.
• The deception of friends who are entrusted with the most intimate feelings and betray them by telling them in public to others.
• That of the children when they say that they are in a place doing something and it turns out that they are in another place doing improper things.
• The dirty politicians who deceive their people with false promises that never come to fruition.
•Among others.
He often lies because of fear or shame of being discovered; other times, to get out of trouble or to play a joke. It can be a mortal sin to lie on important matters, or knowing that serious harm is being done.
The truth is that there are no deceptions or small lies in the end always result in a betrayal that brings various consequences for the person who produces the deception and the deceived person doing harm in the society where we live.
One of the biblical examples of deceit was that of Adam and Eve.

The serpent when he deceived Eve, changed the truth of God by a deception; there began the deception. If there is something that causes deception in our life, it is changing our vision. Deception comes through the ear, because the serpent spoke to Eve, but it distorts our sight; This is an effect that causes deception.
Genesis 3.6 reads as follows:
"And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a desirable tree to attain wisdom; and he took of its fruit, and ate; and she gave also to her husband, who ate as well as she "
Genesis 3.13 says thus:
"Then Jehovah God said to the woman, 'What have you done?' And the woman said, 'The serpent deceived me, and I ate'".
When you start being seduced in the ear and your vision changes, you start doing things that you know are not right. Sin you begin to conceive in your mind and heart, and the act itself is the result of what you had been scheming in your heart.
The problem with deception is that when it achieves its goal, it becomes part of you. Eve not only listened to the deceived, but also ate the fruit.
The word deception in the originals means: "seduce, lead astray". It means that the devil is going to use strategies to seduce you, to lead you astray, to attract you and to distance yourself from God and we must not ignore the devil's tricks (Ephesians 4.14).

According to the four canonical gospels, Judas guided the guards who arrested Jesus to the place where they found him, told them who was kissing him. For his betrayal he was rewarded with thirty pieces of silver. Soon after, Judas regretted his actions, tried to return the coins to the priests who had given them, and by not accepting them, threw them into the temple. Then, desperate at the magnitude of his betrayal, he committed suicide by hanging himself in a tree (Casiodoro de Reina, Cipriano de Valera (1909), "Matthew 27, 5"), Bible, translation Reina-Valera (Wikisource).

"Be your way of speaking: yes, yes, or no, no. What exceeds this, comes from the Evil One "(Matthew 5:37).
Tricks and lies can destroy the friendship of a friend or the trust of parents. After meeting a liar, even if he tells the truth, he is not trustworthy. To live in society it is essential to be sincere and always tell the truth. Even when you should never lie, it is also important to recognize that there are times when it is best to keep silent to keep a secret or to harm another person.
If the common or particular good does not demand that we should walk, a Christian must always tell the truth.
Exodus 20:16 "You shall not speak false testimony against your neighbor"
Let's hold on to the one thing we must do to obey God. His instructions are clear because only he knows what suits us as Christians, since falsehood and lies are immoral and contrary to the behavior that God requires of his children.
Let us make a habit of life always and intentionally tell the truth. Above all, let's demonstrate it to the children, so that they practice honesty and truth from a young age, so that the man our society requires grows with good values.
"The sum of your word is true" Psalm 119: 160

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