Trailing his cross serenely
towards the Calvary the Messiah walked
red thorns crossed his forehead
and the whip his back shuddered.
Jesus of Nazareth was in penance
Loading with his cross of condemned
His face of humility and patience
It was the face of a crucified god.
Strange procession that day
Formed by different and so many people
Not knowing that he would die that afternoon
Nailed on that cross an innocent.
Once and twice more it would fall
and nobody seemed to be sorry
The crying of Maria was barely heard
and the timid moan of Magdalena.
Step by step followed, sad and serene
Praying for the sinful mob
and anointed with Nazarene sweat
Cireneo went to the saving slope.
Dragging feet but imposing
a sweaty and whipped Jesus
He went to meet God patiently
until everything was consummated.
With an increasingly hard load
today I have seen Jesus in procession
today I suffered his pain with bitterness
I prayed, I thanked him, and I asked his forgiveness
Dear brothers, today is a day of reflection, of examination of conscience, of thanking God for his infinite mercy and of showing our love to God through reconciliation with our neighbor, let us think in this humble reflection and remember that God Our Lord, who is in heaven, you know what we are wanting.