¿Without the Bible will our lives make sense?

Think,for example, about this biblical principle:
"There is more happiness in giving than in receiving" (Acts 20:35). Did I ever help someone who had financial problems? Or do I listen attentively to a friend who needed to let off steam? Was it true that it felt good to brighten another person's day?
When we give something selflessly, we are happier. "It is almost impossible to give of ourselves to others without receiving more than we give, as long as we do it from the heart and without expecting anything in return." But, when we sacrifice ourselves for others in particular for those who can not return the favor, if we receive something in return. We have the privilege and satisfaction of working closely with our creator, who considers himself indebted to us for our acts of kindness (Proverbs 19:17). God greatly values our acts of kindness for others and promises to pay us something with something as wonderful as eternal life in a paradise on earth. What a magnificent hope! (Psalm 37:29, Luke 14: 12-14.

However, the Bible teaches us that in order to make sense of our lives we have to worship the one true God, Jeova. His word encourages us to praise him, honor him and obey him as he deserves (Ecclesiaste 12:13, Revelation 4:11). When we do, we achieve extraordinary lake: we cheer our creator. In fact, he asks us: "My son was wise, and my heart rejoices" (Proverbs 27:11). Had I ever thought about this? By making good decisions by following the advice of the bible, we rejoice our beloved heavenly father. Why? Because he cares for all of us and wants us to follow his advice so that we can do well (Isaiah 48: 17,18).

Can there be something that makes more sense to our lives than to worship the sovereign of the universe and make our hearts happy?