I have learned to understand politics, the inclusion of countries in our country and the true interest of them.
I have seen the damage they cause to countries where they violate their rights, their freedoms and their independence.
The message has been clear, I understood how they work and how they operate and manipulate things.
I have learned not to believe in them.
I have learned not to love them.
I have learned to feel pain for those weaker than us; as they mistreat them, they kill them, they destroy them.
I have learned to distrust those rulers.
Also, I have learned to feel pity, sorrow and pain for those rulers, who have no conscience, do not feel love for their neighbor, have no honor, do not know God.
Today a sad event happened in Ecuador, a young man killed his four months pregnant girlfriend stabbed in front of people and police. They were dissuading him to leave her alone.
The young man was upset because they had had an argument and she called the police because she felt threatened and unsure of him and he took her hostage and after 90 minutes of dissuasion, he stabbed her in front of everyone. The police could not dissuade him from doing so.
It turns out they said that this young murderer was Venezuelan; As we know there was an exodus of Venezuelans, for the first time in our history, to other countries, they believed that they would find better life by emigrating to other countries.
There was a promotion and propaganda that leaving the country was better and life would be much more comfortable, since in our country we have an economic blockade and everything we need to live this scarce.
The president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, made a call after the murder, to his people to create brigades to "fight the immigration of Venezuelans."
or I think it was a mistake, from what I heard that man, I think he did it on purpose, where he has caused a stampede of Ecuadorians went out to persecute, evict, beat and kill the Venezuelans settled in that country.
They have already murdered four Venezuelans, and they have injured about 80. They have taken them out of their homes, THEY HAVE BURNED THEIR CLOTHES, THEIR THINGS, have run them, beaten them, mistreated them.

I have felt so much pain for my fellow citizens who went away believing in a better life and they found this monstrosity.
Now they have realized, after arresting the murderer, that he himself is not Venezuelan but Colombian.
So, are they going to start chasing the Colombians who are in Ecuador, they are going to burn them, they are going to kill them, they are going to take their belongings and they are going to burn them?
They murdered four innocent people for unfounded hatred. How many more things have they done for manipulation of third parties?
Do we not realize what really happens in our countries? Do we not want to understand that we are being manipulated and dominated by the most harmful power we could know that exists today?
The most powerful government in the world wants to dominate everything and everyone. But it does so in terms of murder, destruction and demise.
We can no longer be manipulated, technology and social networks have allowed us to understand in the last 20 years that we were deceived, that even today, many people are deceived with manipulated information, edited information, with distorted information, as it happens in my country.
We realize daily false information that pass the television media, the media and social media, and we know in Venezuela, which are false. Social networks help us see all the falsehood.
When they broadcast a video of a group of hundreds of people protesting the government and when we call our relatives and friends who are in those places and we ask them about those facts, we realize they are manipulated: there are only 15 people protesting, then, We ask that they record the event and publish it through networks and thus the lies fall.
We have seen how in these hours of effervescence have been passing images of thousands of people protesting in all cities of the country and to verify again, it is false, they are old images of some marches carried out years ago and pass them as if they were protesting and happening today.
Politicians use us, they have always done it and they hurt us. To pressure a government they abuse their people putting them to despair so that they give their soul and ask for tranquility, but they forget that nobody likes to be pressured and that people have dignity. And as the hero said: "I PREFER TO DIE STAND, TO LIVE STUCK"
Venezuelans want to live in peace and with respect, we want them to let us solve our problems ourselves. We do not want war, nor dominion, nor killings, we want to do it well, with good people, AND CONTINUE FIGHTING HOW WE ARE ACCUSTOMED TO DO IT, Without having a protector because we do not believe in that. Our protectors are ourselves, for hundreds of years we have demonstrated it.
I feel so embarrassed when I saw the videos of the Ecuadorians persecuting the Venezuelans. That this happens in this century is unheard of. IT CAN NOT BE BELIEVED. But we believe it because we are seeing it and living and Who infuses this discomfort, this hatred, this war?
We also know the answer, here in Venezuela we know ... .. And everything gets complicated and everything comes together and life seems to run out, because that's what that group of murderous monsters want, that life is over .... .
I want to live many more years and I want to do it well. I fought, I was forged to have a decent status and I will continue fighting so that it is so but without intermediaries or manipulation and I do not want to leave my country.
I do not want more hatred, I want people to understand that we are being manipulated and are creating xenophobia in the villages. Innocent people are being used, manipulated and mistreated.
I tell the Ecuadorians: we made their story SIMÓN BOLÍVAR AND ANTONIO JOSE DE SUCRE freed them from the Spanish yoke, their first president was Venezuelan and he governed for 12 years, We have 500 thousand Ecuadorians in Venezuela and we share with them. Enough, do respect yourself, be great, demonstrate your greatness with your civilized and decent attitude.
Friends of Steemians, this is a big story about what happens in my country. Know the reality.