in #steemchurch7 years ago



Many years ago, Wanda Jackson sang a song titled HOW DO YOU TREAT GOD. It was a sort of advocacy song for God. ( Well, all gospel songs should be nothing less). In essence she sought to know whether people treat God like G
O.D or D.O.G
The truth is that many, including professing believers have not learned to treat God with all honour and devotion that is due to him. We have imbibed wrong notions of God, seeing him nothing more than a genie. Erroneously, we have come to believe that God exists for us rather than the biblically stated truth that all things were made by him and for him.
Israel under the judges had a roller coaster relationship with God. They never sought God until there was one form of trouble or the other. Each time they deserted God, they were given over to an enemy nation. In their oppression they would return to God; then a deliverer would be sent to them. It was in this light we find characters like othniel,ehud , Deborah, Jephthah, Samson and others. In their new found liberty they would regress again until another trouble stirred up.
For them God is like one big button to be pressed only in emergency. This is not what God is looking for; he wants people to seek his face all the time. I am sure none of us will be willing to hold any strong relationship with somebody who remembers you only when he or she has a need. You will feel used won't you? It is about time we stopped using God and began to adore him for who he truly is.

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A form of adoration we christians can render unto God is PRAISE!
GOD inhabits the praises of his people, we can show alot of us adoration to God by just praising him.
We have so much to praise our God for, there's great power in giving honor to Him. And many of you live that truth out, every single day of your earthly lives. The Bible is filled with examples of praise , when we see His power released - life-changing miracles, dramatic stories of the enemy being halted or defeated, hearts being changed and drawn closer to Him.
I will be telling us

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1. Praise gets our focus off ourselves and back on God.
In our often “selfie” focused world, we need this constant reminder - life is not all about us. We may know that in our heads, but yet our hearts think differently so often. We're prone to selfishness, He desires our eyes be set firmly on Him, because that's where our true hope is found. He is worthy of our praise, no matter what we face from day to day.

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In Psalm 150:2

“Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!”

2. Praise brings us to a place of humility.
We remember our dependency on God, as we acknowledge our need for Him. As we praise Him as Creator and King of this world, we admit and recognize that we’re not in control, but He is. He is above all.


In Psalm. 95:2-3

“Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.”

3. Praise makes the enemy flee.
It pushes back the darkness the surrounds, and blocks the attacks and hissing lies over us. Evil will not stick around if we’re praising our God, who will fight our battles for us. In the story of Jehoshaphat, we see God miraculously defeat the enemy, because of the people’s obedience to praise Him.

In 2 Chronicles 20:22

“As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated”
Thanks all for reading! Hope this post was a blessing to y'all!.

A life of praise is the life that attracts God's blessings. The Bible tells us that always. Praise is the key to drawing down the hand of God almighty. Very fine points from you.

It's a privilege to build a relationship with God. It will be wise on our parts to use our lips to praise God out of love for him.

Upvoted & Resteemed

If we adore and treat God as our provider and our shiled he too is ever ready to provide assistance it times of need.

He is ever sufficient in times of trouble

Is always good to praise God,Some people will worship, praise, and follow after these other movie, singing, and sports stars more than they will worship, praise, and follow the Lord Himself. The Bible tells us that our God is a very jealous God and that He will not allow Himself to be replaced by other people or by other people’s accomplishments and successes in this life. We learn how to worship, how to adore him, how to praise him, good post

Vety well said, brother!

"We remember our dependency on God, as we acknowledge our need for Him. As we praise Him as Creator and King of this world, we admit and recognize that we’re not in control, but He is. He is above all."

Yes sir!
Very true!

In any condition you find your self always be ready to adore him.
You may find your self in a bad condition but always try your best to always look up tovqnd adore him.
The enemy may want to take you away from Christ but always remember that no weapon fasholioned against you shall prosper

You may find your self in a bad condition but always try your best to always look up tovqnd adore him.
This comment is very true!.

Yeah.. It was a blessing reading this article.. Thanks @meetroyalty

I am happy it was a blessing to you!

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