in #steemchurch7 years ago

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Part of the convenant which God struck with abraham was that of greatness. God promised to make his name great. Another thing we notice about the convenant is the fact that it is trans generational in nature. God promised to bless abraham's seeds after him. WE are abraham's seeds by faith, therefore, it is not presumption or evil ambition to aspire to greatness. It is more like water seeking its level.
One of the ways by which God thrusts his people into limelight is to equip them to solve problems for kings, rulers, and the society at large. In our text, saul showed an endearment towards David.
The reason for this was because David supplied anointed music that put in check the demonic horrors at work in saul. We may not have the opportunity to solve problems for kings. The important thing is to be found adding value and making life less difficult for someone.
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As long as this continiues God will ensure that we do not forfeit our reward. Taking joy in solving problems for people is climbing the ladder to greatness.
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The desire to become a great person is a noble goal for any individual but requires a dedication to continuous character development.
For the men out there who want to learn more about what it means to become a great man, in a society that demands more and more from them every single day, i will be giving key ideas that any man can begin implementing in his life.

1. Take Responsibility
This is the first and maybe one of the most important aspects for a man to realize if he must learn to take full responsibility for his entire life.
A man must take ownership of the decisions that he has made that have brought him to the point at which he is in presently in life, and he must also take ownership of every future decision that he will make.
To do this effectively, firstly accept everything the way it is in your life and then take possession of your life by claiming responsibility for how it has turned out and for what it can or could've be. This one idea can fill you with a new sense of power and control over the matters of your life.
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2. Stop Complaining
Nothing is more immature than a man who is always whining, complaining, and criticizing everything and everyone around him. Such individuals make themselves out to be victims in the world, as if they have absolutely no control over their lives and their God-given destinies. The attitude of the victim is one of powerlessness.
If you want to develop more power and confidence in yourself as a man,well then you need to stop complaining. Become conscious of it. And become aware of the process when it arises. When a man begins to consciously monitor his thought and behavior,well he has taken a significant step towards becoming a more mature and greater man.
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3. Find Your Path
Ask a few men what their path in life is and most cannot tell you this. A man without a path in life is simply wandering through life aimlessly and without any direction or vision.
The beauty about having a path in life is that it gives a man a sense duty and responsibility which will in turn become greatness. It gives him a sense of purpose and belonging in planet earth
Every man needs a mission of his own to work towards completing amd achieving.
Finding your path on earth is the same as discovering your purpose here. Once you know what it is,then you’ll find that it is easier to have peace of mind when things don’t necessarily go your way in life, simply because you have a vision and aim for your life to look forward to. You will always have something meaningful to hold on to.
Thanks for reading!.