in #steemchurch6 years ago


Image Source by Unsplash user Hannah Busing

In the last part of this series, I talked about music in general and how appealing and powerful music is. I also talked about the tools used in music the last time. Now I am going to talk about some other things pertaining the topic.
Music is very important. I can’t imagine how the society would be like if music lost its essence. I don’t want to imagine what the world would be like.


Image Source by Unsplash user George Webster

Music is that important and that’s my opinion, what’s yours?
However, understanding music and its significance seems to be a thing for those who wants to understand. Most persons just listen to good music and melodies; that’s enough for them as individuals - nothing more, while others seek to know the various components that make up music and its entirety.
Personally, I feel the more an individual understands music, the more he or she gets to appreciate this free gift God.
Music is applied in every aspects of life ranging from business and adverts, worship in churches and religious gatherings, social gatherings, parties, homes and any other aspect you can think of. Whether you are a lover of music or not, you must have come across something that has to do with music at least in a day.

Now let’s talk about worship in churches and its relations to music. (1 Chronicles 15:16, 2 Chronicles 5:13). If I should ask a lot of persons their opinion on what worship is, I’ll get a lot of answers and they would all sound nice to whomever is giving the answer depending on their individual insight on worship.


Image Source by Unsplash user John-Mark Smith

Well, here’s what worship is;
Worship is simply ‘My - Our Life as Christians’…………

Okay, hold on there, that was, erm……………

I am trying to imagine the reaction on some person’s face right now when I defined worship as my - our life.
Okay, here’s what true worship (in spirit and in truth) is talking about. Worship is true reverence, dependent on the love and finished work of Christ. Worship is not when I come and try to show my pitiable emotions to a supreme being, no, worship is not about the tears on my face, or the emotional state of the worship song leader, or the sweet melodies from the piano player.


Image Source by Unsplash user Chad Kirchoff

Notice, most things I’ve mentioned above has to do with music. Worship is not the music; how awesome the sound is, how beautifully the guitarist played, how handsome the music director is when he smiles, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, it is far more than that. Worship is a communion and music is just one of the medium for worship. This means that without music there can be worship. GOOD music and sound during a worship session is a great plus to the session and this includes skillful singers, instrumentalist and good instruments, but what happens when none of these are available – no singers, instruments, sound; will worship be on hold? Of course not. Worship is complete in itself, it only needs a true and open heart (in truth and in spirit) and God is ready at any time to receive and enjoy worship with his sons and daughters. The only criteria is as stated in John 4:24 from the Bible, "God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth".

Worship is also acknowledging God’s Love per time. Silence is also a form of worship. As weird as it sounds, it is true. Teaching is another form of worship, prayer is another form of worship as well as singing, dancing (a good example is King David), and speaking in tongues.


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In my next post I will be talking about the need for understanding in depth how music and worship relates.


Hey @nuelpete, gotta love Steemit! Still awesome platform and community and it's nice having great people contribute so we all benefit. Keep up the good work! Cheers!

Thank you very much @exxodus. We learn everyday in many ways