The Great Mistake In Life Is To Fail To Honour Your Responsibilities Whiles You Have All The Means....!!!

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Hi friends!, have we ever consider this in life, as father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, auntie or any member of our relatives, that it is a great mistake we ever did to fail to honour our core responsibilities to our relative members? I believe this is common to notice in most families, in one way or the other we often fail to help our relative member who is in dare need.

This is a real story of a friend who has experienced life suffering in the the hands of his biological father. The sadness part of this friend is that he is just cool, humble and respected to everybody in the father, and aside this also brilliant in class. As a young guy, he completed his basic School with distinct, happily and jubilating thinking that his father is going to help him to perdue to second cycle institution. He shows the certificate to his father, and the father congratulated him for that effort. The father consulted his relatives of his son's victory and what he has intended to help him to pursue, unfortunately, the family members polluted his father not to help him since he cannot excel, he is going to waste his money. So the only thing the father should do is to help him learn how to push a truck. The father too listened to their bad advice and inform his son that he has no money, but what he can help him is learn how to push a truck! The son shouted and said, Oh Daddy!, as a brilliant guy like me with distinction to push a truck,' no!, I will not push a truck. What could the son do? He has to stay in the house and find for some job which could earn him some money. Later he engaged himself in security job. And as we speak now, that is the job my friend is retiring on, just meagre allowance he collect from that job. Now his father is old and poor, he has regretted having listened to his relatives and has caused wicked to his son's life, since the son is not getting much as he could look after till death. The son is also the first born who could have become the pillar in the family, if the father had taken his responsibility well to look after him.

This and many other mistake we do in life that tend to jeopardise the life of our family members who could have become prominent people in the family. It is great mistake to fail to honour your responsibility whiles you have the strength to do it. In life we should know that everything you fail to do definitely come upon you if you have all the means to do it. In our local adage says that: "if you throw a stone to hit a wall, it definitely come back to you."

1 Timothy 5:8 (NIV)

"Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

Beloved we should do all our possible best whiles we have all the gadget, tools and the will power. We should remember that there are more blessings in giving than receiving, even when we give out in abundance to one of these relatives what we gave multiplies in thousands folds and become blessings for us. That is how our heavenly Father works for us. Thank you friends and may we have the Spirit of giving more so that in future we can receive more, Amen!


Beautiful and thoughtful story that invites us to consider our behavior, the word of God also reinforces your idea that we should provoke the welfare of our families. God bless you. @oppongk

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