Is It Possible To Overcome Bad Habits?

in #steemchurch6 years ago


True, many people would fully appreciate that certain habits are morally wrong and even harmful, they also know that resisting and overcoming them is another story. Habits can become deeply rooted over the years and can be extremely resistant to efforts to change them. Trying to curb such cravings can be exhausting and painful.

But is it true that we are helpless victims of our inner drives and desires? Or can bad habits actually be overcome? To get an authoritative answer, let's us see what the Bible says.

Our Desire Versus Our Actions.

The Bible makes it plain that God holds us responsible for our actions. Also, he requires that we live up to his righteous standards. As our creator, he knows what is best for us, and his principles condemn many of the habits common in the world. However, he is also realistic and compassionate in what he expects from imperfect humans.

The psalmist at Psalm 130:3,wrote ; "If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand?" Yes, Jehovah knows full well that "the inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up". (Genesis 8:21)

However, this consideration on God's part does not absolve us of our responsibility to control bad desires. Self control is essential in combating our wrong inclinations and habits and ultimately prevailing over them.


Change Is Possible

According to a scientist, he say that bad habits, like good ones are learned and developed over time. If that is correct, then bad habits can just as surely be unlearned! How?

Think about the benefits of breaking the old pattern, then, make a list of how changing your behavior could improve your life. Focusing on the benefits of changing our negative behavior can motivate us to change.

Of course, ridding ourselves of bad habits that may have dominated our lives for years will be difficult. We should not underestimate the struggle ahead of us. There will certainly be setbacks and failures. But be rest assured, things usually get easier with time. The more you work at it, the more your new behavior will become a part of you.


One who loves God can also be assured of his help and blessings. Soon now, God will destroy this wicked system of things and all its bad temptations, desires and cravings.

Isaiah 65:17:

"The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart".

Among these "former things" will not doubt be troublesome yearnings and desires.

Is this not a grand reason to do our utmost today to resist and fight against bad habits?


Thanks for sharing this Pboss123. It's always a delight to read from you. It's possible to overcome bad habits and the bible shows this.

Upvoted & Resteemed

I like the way you answered the question you brought up. It is actually possible. We see many people around us that even changed their lifestyles in order to have a better relationship with God. What makes this possible is identifying ones priority. Thanks for sharing.

Many thanks to you for giving hope all those who have bad habits that change is possible. Sometimes people who are struggling to break away from addictions and bad habits are often criticised amd condemned by some preachers and some Christians and that's unfair.
A person who is in darkness need to be preached about light and not darkness. The power of God has the ablilty to turn even the worse sinner around, thats what we need

Our habits make us who we are.
Bad habits are like a plague.
It takes the Grace of God to overcome bad habits and replace them with godly habits.

Thanks for sharing Bro.
I hope people will read this and be changed

bad habits, like good ones are learned and developed over time. If that is correct, then bad habits can just as surely be unlearned!

This assertion is correct, i deeply feel that it depends on the person affected if you have decided to stop and you seek the help of God, you will surely overcome any bad habit in your life!!DQmdChenk9w2Ymj9aNEqGXXySajffzf77hP5zXfDC9gnHj3_1680x8400.jpg

With the help of the Holy spirit and by the special grace of God, bad habits can be curbed.
We just need to hold on to God and believe.

Breaking bad habits takes time and effort, but mostly it takes perseverance. Most people who end up breaking their bad habits try and fail multiple times before they make it work. You might not have success right away, but that doesn't mean you can't have it at all.

All bad habit can be change provided we see ourselves ,we have no power of our own and can't change anything's but Jesus can and SURRENDER all to Him ,He will set us free

You don't live in sin and expect your self to be blessed by the living God.
You have to leave all the bad things you are doing for Christ to be with you and you can only do that by doing what he says in the bible.
God has never been so bad in any situation he is always there for us.
He us truelly the light if the world who so ever trust in him shall always see light and not darkness in his it her life.
His coming to the world was to quench the darkness and bring us entetnal light and salvation.
His blessings are OK for us and those who trust in him the Lord has provided for us all we need to survive through his abundant grace and supernatural joy.
Love is the only thing that can save us from all our evil ways and all the bad things we do in life .
We should always give thanks to those who have done well for us and also make God our major focus in our life and what we do because he Is the only who was able to give us his only begotten son to die for us in the times of our need and when everything seems so bad and hard for us.

While our habits serve as the building blocks of our distinct personality, we do not need the bad, self-damaging ones. So if you’re trying to find effective ways of how to overcome bad habits, the four steps which are Identify, quit, replace and meditate can help out