RE: The Joy of Childhood and God's Love for Children
Children are the heritage of the Lord,the love God has for his children on earth is unconditional right from the start God gave his only begotten son to die for our sins irrespective of what you have done,God's mercy was shown through his love,I could remember many times in the Bible particularly the new testament where were believers referred to as 'my little children'. Children are very delicate and tender as we can attest to they need to be shown love for a blooming relationship between you and them and they also have this style or habit of conjuring attention to captivating much need love and care or affection. There is a path in the Bible that I love so much concerning a wonderful illustration of God's love for mankind it goes like this,its says talking to a man and his child,if your child ask you for bread will you give him a snake or if he asks you a fish will you give him a Scorpion and it concludes like this if you that is man of a wicked heart knows how to take care of your child how much more your Heavenly Father.