in #steemchurch6 years ago

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When Apostle Paul wrote that the church in Thessalonica “became followers of us and of the Lord”, he captured the depth of the transformation which caused the Christians there to turn from ”idols to serve the living and true God”, (1 Thessalonians 1:1, 9). That statement underscored the Apostle’s ministerial success in that city, especially when considered against the very short time he spent there and the stiff opposition against the gospel by the unbelieving Jews.

Effective leadership on ministerial success cannot be properly defined without reference to the goal the leader set out to achieve. Accordingly, the commission which Paul the apostle received from the Lord.

”To open there eyes and to turn them
from darkness to light, and from the
power of Satan unto God”

Acts 26:18

This objective was so realized in Thessalonica than the believers became ”examples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia” (1 Thessalonians 1:7). The spiritual gulf bridged by the gospel in the lives of the Thessalonians was an eloquent testimony to its power and message and reflected the effectiveness with which it was preached and modeled.

If leadership is defined as the capacity to direct, guide and lead people to a defined goal, then Apostle Paul’s ministry at Thessalonica presents a good example and an appropriate case study of effective Christian leadership.

The ingredients of Apostle Paul’s success in Thessalonica certainly included the inherent power of the gospel and the exemplary lifestyle of the preachers. The success itself can be correctly measured by the abiding effect their apostolic preaching produced in hearers’ lives.


Image from Dailyverses
For yourselves, brethren, know our entrance
in unto you that it was not in vain:
But even after that we and suffered before,
and were shamefully entreated, as ye know, at Philippi,
we were bold in our God to speak unto
you the gospel of God with much contention

1 Thessalonians 2:1-2

Paul and his companions suffered as they were shamefully entreated at Philippi and there was much contention surrounding the preaching of the gospel of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; yet they were bold to call sinners to turn from their idols to serve the living and true God.

Besides, Apostle Paul’s personal conviction about the truth gave him extraordinary courage and boldness in his drive to enlighten the Thessalonians. Christian leaders must be fully persuaded about their calling and the truth of their message. Such conviction and faith will imbue them with holy courage necessary to lead men out of satanic darkness and ignorance even in the face of opposition.

”For our exhortation was not of deceit,
nor of uncleanness, nor in guile:
But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel,
even so we speak; not as pleasing men,
but God, which trieth our hearts”

1 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Apostle Paul and his team saw themselves as stewards graciously entrusted with the gospel and they ensured that they did not disappoint

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Minister and leaders must appreciate the honor and trust conferred upon them by the stewardship of the gospel. They must remind themselves that the gospel is not theirs but God’s and as such, it is their duty to preach it only as God has commanded and allowed. In so doing, the inherent power of the gospel will be unleashed upon the hearts of men to their salvation.

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Paul the apostle recognized that success in ministry is tied to character. A minster’s of Christian’s character is the whole capital he has for carrying on and eternally profitable labor. If it lost, everything is gone and of no value. A careful examination of Paul’s testimonial to the Thessalonians Christians reveals, one, that they were not deceitful in dealing with the people.

  • They maintained spiritual cleanness; holiness was their watchword.
  • They did not employ guile or craftiness to exploit the people.
  • Recognizing that God had entrusted them with the mysteries of the gospel, they were faithful without putting the interests of men above God.
  • ”neither at any time used we flattering words” (verse 5).
  • They denounced covetousness, even making God a witness to that fact.
  • He said, ”Nor of men sought we glory” (verse 6). Instead, they were ”gentle among” them, ”even as a nurse cherisheth her children”.

The leader’s personal lifestyle and conduct among the people have great influence on their success. In the case of Apostle Paul, he was so exemplary that he could without fear of contradiction, write to the people among whom he lived and ministered,

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”But we were gentle among you
even as a nurse cherisheth her children”

Galatians 5:22

Gentleness, a part of the fruit of the Spirit involves tenderness and mildness in dealing with persons and issues. It implies a deliberate show of tenderness where one could have employed apostolic authority.

Gentleness is an attribute of God that shines throughout the Scriptures in His dealing with man. The imagery of a nurse and her children conjures up loving care and kindness. Christian leaders should learn from our heavenly Father that gentleness with people, even erring ones, could accomplish in their hearts and lives what the show of power and authority may not.

The word of God itself alone, has enough inherent power to convict and correct errors in men’s mind if administered in love and prayer. This does not however rule out the necessity of church discipline, when necessary

It is reported commonly that there is f
ornication among you, and such fornication as is not
so much as named among the Gentiles,
that one should have his father's wife.

And ye are puffed up, and have not rather
mourned, that he that hath done this
deed might be taken away from among you.

For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit,
have judged already, as though I were present,
concerning him that hath so done this deed,

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together,
and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,

To deliver such one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh,
that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus

1 Corinthians 5:1-5

The word of God admonishes Christian leaders

”And the servant of God must not strive
but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient”

2 Timothy 2:24

The Apostles gentleness and care for the Thessalonians found expression in
*Affectionate desire for their spiritual and eternal welfare. This is contrary to the attitude of false teachers and leaders who fleece the people

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  • Willingness not only to impart the gospel but also to run hazards and take risks in preaching;

  • Undertaking physical and mental labors in order to enrich the quality of their ministry without making it expensive or burdensome to the people. The practical implication of this is that of souls. It does not however follow that they will always be obliged to preach and labor freely without necessary upkeep;

  • Their holiness was so transparent that the Thessalonians but God’s also. The Thessalonians could observe their public, outward conduct, but God would motives that drove their actions.

  • Informing and reminding them frequently of their duties under God and motivating them to do the same. Ministers and leaders ought to be careful to walk worthy before God and before the people they assay to lead out of the blindness of ungodliness. They must always live and act in the consciousness that they are answerable to God who has committed to their trust the care of precious souls for whom Christ died.

The Apostle’s motive was pure, not tarnished with any desire for personal gain or any unclean selfish purpose. He avoided the temptation to flatter men in their sin in order to keep their followership. He gave them no false hope to curry their favor or to remain popular. His purpose did not include self-enrichment, vain glory or personal ambition as do false teachers.

On the contrary, he and his team denied themselves of their legitimate rights, esteem and even due wages in order to ensure that nothing stood as an obstacle to the faith of the people thy had led to the liberty of Christ. They only coveted the honor that comes from God.

As a mother cares and nurtures her children without seeking the praise of men, so Paul fed, nourished, taught seeking the praise of men, so Paul fed, nourished, taught and led the disciples without seeking material gains. He did all things with transparent and transcending love; he never stood to any degrading method of flatter insincerity.

Seeing therefore, the level of his sincerity and transparency, he called the believers to a holy walk.

”That ye would walk worthy of God,
who hath called you unto his Kingdom and glory”

1 Thessalonians 2:12


In his apostolic mission to lead the people away from idolatry and ignorance. The divine power in it more than anything else, can change lives and situations. As far as a Christian leader’s objective is to break the shackles of ungodliness and ignorance and lead the people to Christ, he will find the gospel most efficacious and ”profitable for doctrine, for reproof and for correction, for co instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).

On the contrary, vain and idle philosophies of men, no matter how eloquently coanvassed soon lose their hold on people’s minds as their falsity come to light. Because Apostle Paul’s exhortation is not in deceit or of uncleanness nor of guile, it stamped its validity through the experience of sincere seekers among his audience.

Apostle Paul’s ministerial success among the Thessalonians had definite and abiding evidence in their lives.

Image from Praying-olatubosun

The depth of transformation which the Thessalonians had was so deeply rooted that they could partake with the ”church of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus”. To lead a people who had no knowledge of or reverence of its divine origin and power is to arm them with constantly available source of enlightenment, wisdom and knowledge.


In spite of Paul the apostle’s exemplary lifestyle and leadership, there were some who did not believe in his message, but would rather oppose, attack and persecute him. Prominent among these ungodly persecutors were the Jews.

”Who both killed the Lord Jesus,
and their own prophets, and have persecuted us;
and they please not God, and are contrary to all men”

1 Thessalonians 2:15

They did not only reject the gospel, they prevented others from accepting it “to fill up their sins away; for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” Equally condemnable are those who hear the word and receive it as they would the word of men. They only judge and admire the style, composition, voice, accent and manner in which the word is preached.

We should receive the word as coming from God with the reverence worthy of the holiness, wisdom, knowledge and power of its Author. To do otherwise is to forsake our own mercy.

The impact and effect of the word of God in the lives of those who receive it sincerely is undeniable. In such people, the word proves itself to be the power of God by the results it produces. It converts the soul, enlightens the mind and rejoices the soul of people who rightly receive it. Such is the tremendous power available to a true Christian leader for use to guide, liberate and deliver people from satanic ignorance and superstition.

If we would be successful as Christians and ministers of the gospel, we should match our message with our manners.


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