in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)


Today we want to talk a little about social projects in order to strengthen the church team, just as blessings are given in a spiritual world and then move on to the natural, the projects must be documented, analyzed, motivated, dreamed before implementing them . One of the strengths that God has imparted through our Apostle Darlenys is the realization of social projects, in all this time we have learned from his hand essential concepts such as resource management, promotion, team activation, strategic alliances to meet the objectives. Something very important that must be taken into account is how to start, without forgetting that in some cases faith is important, we can start small but as we move forward and take those steps, God adds the rest.

Aristotle said that "the whole is more than the sum of its parts"

Darlenys, as a good systems engineer, uses synergy as a systemic emergent, that is, it is a product of the system that is not within its parts. "Synergy" means "union of energies" or, conceptually, "multiplication of energies" .

The "whole" has properties and characteristics that are not found in each of its parts when analyzed in isolation. And so within a larger system we can find less complex systems that complement each other (recursion) .This concept has given a lot of learning as a team, I remember at the beginning of BREAD FROM HEAVEN, she told us, remember Jesus' message from the multiplication, if we go to a community and analyze each house, perhaps each person has something little representative, but if we join it with those who have others, and what we have, we will make a big difference.

When you start interacting with a system or a community, synergy emerges, which helps the systems and subsystems complement each other, do not lose any value and so that they are in harmony. Synergy is essential for the development of society.

Efficient, transparent and with social projects vocation of success.

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  1. They aim to address a significant social challenge, which has been identified by the community and that is related to the priorities of those who promote and support it.
  2. They show how it is possible to make a difference or create a new approach.
  3. They have a positive effect on people and their lives, helping to improve the level of well-being, to develop the skills and employment opportunities of the community in which they focus.
  4. They are profitable when compared to the delivered value.
  5. Your goals are able to motivate other people to support the cause, through their collaboration or through donations.
  6. Always provide a clear and measurable definition of success.
  7. They are committed to the creation, sharing and implementation of good practices with other related projects.

The cause: the motivation behind a project Social

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The initial impulse that every social project needs is part of the identification of a cause. The challenge, the motivation and the connection with the own values ​​that the discovery supposes, is the cause of the beginning of the whole process. However, before embarking on the adventure of starting a social project you must have
Of course that is what you want to do.
For the identification and definition of the cause it is convenient:
A. Test: Perhaps, in order to be clear about what it really means to embark on a project of this nature, it may be interesting to join a similar one that is already underway for a period of time. That contact with reality will definitely leave doubts and, above all, it will be very useful to understand those of each action in such an environment.
B. Channel the passion: specify how you want to address the problem. Whether you want to focus on social development projects, or if you prefer to promote a cause, there are two different ways of understanding social projects based on their purpose:
C. Define goals: although there may be a generic motivation, the objectives must always be concrete, attainable, realistic and subject to a finite period of time. When the cause has become clear and the purpose of the social action project is clear, it is time to begin the analysis phase that will conclude in the elaboration of an action plan.
The cause: the motivation behind a social project

  1. Direct action social projects: it seeks to produce an effective change and, for this, an attempt is made to solve a problem by directly involving and without the support of intermediaries.
  2. Social projects of indirect action: the promotion of the necessary change is the goal that this type of projects seeks to achieve, for which they need to exercise the necessary influence on people with the power and / or capacity to achieve it.

The presentation of the social project at two levels:
dissemination and financing.

When the project is made public, it is expected:
The most effective vehicle to launch the initiative and make it known to the mass public is through the internet. The creation of a website will be very useful and, in its design, we must take into account:
However, the moment in which the social project is played is in the presentation to foundations that are considered possible donors. In this case, the rigor and objectivity in the sharing of data must be combined with communication skills, which allow the conviction of the need to develop a long-term collaboration between them and the project.
In a presentation meeting for this purpose, we must present:
• Attract donors: foundations, corporations or private donors.
• Recruit volunteers: people who, attracted by the background of social action to undertake, altruistically want to participate in the cause contributing their collaboration.
• Disseminate the purpose: which will help to configure the image of the organization behind the social project, publicize it, increase its prestige and improve its capacity to take advantage of opportunities for collaboration, financing or growth.
• The nature of the social project, its programming, methods, goals and expected results.
• The starting conditions, in terms of budget, available resources and action plan.
• The way in which the monitoring will be carried out and the continuous evaluation plan to which the project will be submitted.
• The needs detected at the level of materials, personnel and infrastructure, perfectly detailed and based on transparent calculations.
• The solutions, the possibility of growing and growing and the model to which one aspires.
• Promote transparency: both as regards the people behind the initiative, as well as the work team. It is also necessary to expand this openness towards the ways of working and available resources. Of course, it is essential that everything be communicated Regarding the action plan in a clear and simple way to understand, in this sense, it may be highly recommended to incorporate data obtained during the investigation carried out in the analysis stage.
• Search for proximity: online chat, telephone service hours, places where a face-to-face contact with the organization is possible are some of the ways in which you can
achieve the proximity that is sought with the mass audience. It is important to take into account social media, whose support can be decisive.

• Guarantee the update: all the data published on the web must be up to date. The presence of obsolete information may affect the image of the social project, to his credibility and his prestige. To get this update it is interesting to keep a blog, in which the project's milestones are shared, the events that will be organized and the new ideas and additions to the plan are reported.

Planning levels

There are different levels in the planning process, classified as follows:
1 − General planning: It includes the whole set of activities that will take place in a process of development over a given period of time.
2 − Specific planning: Refers to the set of projects that are related to each other. Increases the level of concreteness
3 − Concrete planning: These are the specific and specific activities that are necessary to carry out A certain project.

It is convenient to develop critical thinking during the development, development and application of any work project. As Lewin reminds us:
We begin to theorize about the practice from the moment we start from that practice; but there is a methodological moment in which we emphasize, intentionally, orderly in that reflection.
They seem very useful to us in order to try to avoid certain deficiencies in the approach to
• Disproportion between the effort dedicated to diagnosis in relation to that dedicated to the intervention.
• Disproportion between the data collected and those used.
• Relevance of information.
• The seduction of the number.
• Demonstrate the obvious.
• The elimination of the discourse of the population.
• The patent of the specialists.
• The possession and use of information.
• The diagnosis stopped in time (as if the reality were static).
The field of application is very broad. We are aware that through the development of good projects, we will be able to raise the quality and professionalization of our work, and above all, the quality of life of the people to whom it is addressed.

The combination of all these aspects will determine the eligibility of the social project for its financing, or what is the same, the beginning of a collaboration in which both parties will influence the course of the action to be undertaken and the effectiveness with which They will reach the goals set.

We hope to continue contributing tools to develop projects that are positive guides to empower communities.

References Bibliographic:

Social projects: of the motivation for financing Online MBAs recognized by the Financial Times among the best in the world in 2012 and 2013 Best online business school in the world according to the Latin American Ranking of Business Schools in Spanish 2015 for the 5th consecutive year Selected 2nd best Business School according to Ranking of online higher education institutions)


What to do now?

@Sc-v, will be in the communities and rural areas implementing social work and our educational campaigns, to which we will integrate Steemchurch Telos, this is a wonderful opportunity to grow, to bring hope to many people, children are the fundamental pillars to build that desired future.

SteemChurch Telos Expansion:

Your NEW SteemChurch Telos account

The SteemChurch Telos expansion is about establishing ourselves on a new platform capable of facilitating commerce, banking, trade and logistics' - opening up many more opportunities than social media and blogs.

Telos is one of the most advanced blockchains on the planet. Incredibly fast and highly scalable. Built from the same blockchain architecture as EOS, Telos can do everything EOS can do. At the moment, however, Telos is relatively unknown and resources are cheap. Which means that we are establishing here at an ideal time.

For the first access to your account we recommend that you download SQRL to your PC.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to consult through the email:

Or in our situation room SC.Telos in Telgram:

To register at Steemchurch telos, fill out the following form:

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃÃío; su nombre de archivo es image-12.png

Support this project on!/@sc-v/wx2n2agr9

We thank our collaborators

@sirknight,@sniffnscurry,@pennsif,@adollaraday,@fundition,@redpalestino@wilx@charitycurator@theycallmedan,@curatorhulk@impactn-projects,@partiko,@newhope, @hanshotfirst.

Our special thanks @steempress-io.for their collaboration to add value to this platform. If you want to use steempress, look for information here:steempress

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


This message has the support of @steemchurch International Ministry, the community that leads the crusade for freedom through the love of Jesus, freedom of the body, soul and spirit to impact the world. Created on the blockchain steem and expanded to the improved blockchain Telos.

Read more about our vision here

Steemchurch is a community that establishes social projects in countries like Venezuela, Nigeria, Ghana and the Philippines, educating and training children, so that they are men and women who change history tomorrow.


Each time you support with some delegation you will be collaborating with the feeding, education of thousands of children, the restoration of the family, and the promotion of blockchain technology in the world

50 SP| 100 SP|200 SP|500 SP|1000 SP|2000 SP|5000 SP

Thank you ricci01, @sc-v always at the forefront to strengthen the knowledge and actions of the church, excellent !!

This project is being supported by @Fundition the next-generation, decentralized, peer-to-peer crowdfunding and collaboration platform, built on the Steem blockchain.

Read the full details of Fundition Fund program
Learn more about Fundition by reading our purplepaper

Join a community with heart based giving at its core
Fundition is a non profit project, by supporting it with delegation you are supporting 200+ projects.

The achievement of the desired (and necessary) funding will depend, not only on the presentation made when presenting the project or on the Project Manager's communication skills, but also on the accuracy and objectivity of the calculations, the viability of the plan and the credibility of the organization behind it.Thanks @ ricci01 for this guide.

We can already see the strategy and vision of @sc-v to achieve the objectives and stay in action despite the circumstances.

Good project planning must have three fundamental characteristics:

  • Must be systematic
  • Flexible
  • Disciplined

The correct planning helps us to establish the priority of each of the activities and to have a better control of the time to execute a project with the desired quality and with success.

If the adequate understanding of the tasks is achieved before carrying out the work, they can be pre-programmed. This facilitates proper organization when allocating available resources in an optimal way. Always limited to achieve the objectives.

A project cannot work without a project plan. The schedule establishes the deadlines, delivery and availability of project resources, whether it is personnel, inventory or capital. For this reason, any project without a calendar is one condemned to find problems along the way.

Good starting point, thanks for being an integral community.