Dear parishioners of the SteemChurch,
'Peace be with you on this historic day.'
Archbishop and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
By the power vested in me as the Founding Father of the SteemChurch, it is the greatest of honor to announce the appointment of the very first Archbishop and Chief Executive Office of our Church - Emilio Cabrera of Venezuela (@emiliocabrera).
A New Leader
This Knight has very much enjoyed his time as the Leader of the SteemChuch. However, this Knight always knew that someone would come along with a level of intelligence, charisma, drive and faith which would surpass this Knight. And this Knight always knew that once this person came along - he would pass on the mantle of leadership to this person, allowing them to take our Church to the next level - being SteemChurch in the physical world.
This Knight has had his eye on Brother Emilio for a long time and over this time this Knight has been very impressed at the number of life and Steem challenges that this man has taken on, overcome, grown from and excelled in.
And importantly, at every step Brother Emilio has behaved professionally, with integrity, with dignity and in accordance with the mission of our Church.
'To embrace and promote Christianity on the blockchain by spreading the love of God and celebrating the beauty of his creation, building a supportive community and fighting evil in whatever form it might take.'
He is a man who believes in FAMILY.
He is a man who believes in CHRIST.
And he is a man who will fight for our FREEDOM.
Our new Archbishop is now the principal leader of the SteemChurch and the figurehead for all our worldwide projects. He is responsible for setting and overseeing all biblical programs and Church projects.
As Chief Executive Officer, he will be responsible for the financial management of @steemchurch, along with marketing and growth of SteemChurch, both on and off the Steem blockchain.
SirKnight's new role.
This Knight will never leave the SteemChurch - it is engrained in his soul now.
This Knight will be working on Church strategy and development alongside our Archibishop and the other Church Executives.
Central to Church strategy that will be occupying this Knight's time will be STEEM's hive mind and community initiative. To be followed by the introduction of our SteemChurch SMT - Beatitudes.
SirKnight will be providing updates on these matters in the days to come. However for the rest of this day... he celebrates this magnificent appointment and bows in honor of our Honorable new leader.
Please join with this Knight in congratulating @emiliocabrera on his appointment and to wish him well in the role.
Congratulations to @emiliocabrera for being the first Bishop on the Steem Blockchain. Good luck on your reign as you oversee things. Remain Bless.
Sirknight always making the best decision
Thanks Yungchief
Great, indeed Emilio has shown the great capacity and level of effort and dedication on his way through this community, every day brings truly wonderful things and is worthy of such honor, God bless Sirknight and Emilio, great servants of God.
Where have you been Ruben? I have been visiting your blog but you haven't been posting - working hard and having fun I hope. SK.
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Thanks sirknight, these last days I have had a little hard moments, complications, and many adversities, not suitable for a common mortal, but thanks to my spiritual strength and the lessons of a great armor mentor that you may know, I have managed to keep up fight and I'm coming out of that darkness. With the grace of my Lord I will return to my rhythm at work for this great community. Greetings.
Glory to God in the Heights! Peace to men of good will on earth! Thank you SK for this great honor! I ask God for wisdom to execute with humility and loyalty the great purposes for which Steem Church was born.
Thanks also to a great woman, she has been an inspiration to me and a mentor, she is the brave @darlenys01.
We are all steemchurch and together, we will spread the love of God to the world with the crusade for freedom.
I'm glad to see the fulfillment of the prophetic word for your life:
Thank you my dear friend and sister Darlenys! You are a blessing to all of us.
Beautifully said Your Grace.
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Congratulations friend and brother @ emiliocabrera, successes and blessings
Thanks sister Ricci, together we can do great things!
congratulations dear friend, God bless you and let's continue on this beautiful path
Congratulation sir
Congratulations sir
Congratulations to Brother @emiliocabrera, Blessings and successes.
Thanks my people from sc-v
Congratulations brother @ emiliocabrera, God grant you wisdom and success
Congratulations brother @emiliocabrera, successes in his new role.
Congratulations brother @emiliocabrera, God grant you wisdom and success
Congratulations @emiliocabrera
Congratulations Brother @emiliocabrera, It really fills me with this wonderful news, No doubt SK is not wrong to put leaders in front. You are an Admirable man and truly a faithful follower of the word of God. I am very excited for this news. And I'm sure he will do a good job as an a bishop. Congratulations and I bless you greatly. and I congratulate SK for this decision because it really is very successful in Everything. God bless you brother @emiliocabrera
Thankyou for your kind words, blessings and support Brother William.
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Blessings for you Dear @sirknight
Thanks dear Brother! Amen for your blessings for all!
an Honor Be part of this beautiful brother family! Hope God continue blessing you @emiliocabrera
congratulations bro @emiliocabrera on you new appointment as the Bishop/CEO of steemchurch. May God give you the strength and the wisdom to carry out your duties in Jesus name
Those were my words to the then High Priest @Emiliocabrera 4 days ago when I got the prompt for the Venezuela outreach. The congratulatory message was quite prophetic.
On your appointment as the first ever Archbishop and Chief Executive Officer of @steemchurch, I pray that God will bestow on you wisdom as He endowed Solomon that you will lead God's people on the blockchain to an enviable height. May @sirknight be ever glad that he did this today.
May God flourish this work in your hands and may continue to fly the banner (flag) of freedom for everyone beyond the STEEM blockchain to the glory of God - Amen.
I pledge my allegiance and support to your leadership.
Long live @steemchurch
Long live @Sirknight
Long live @Emiliocabrera
Well said Brother Uyobong.
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If it is true, prophet of the Lord! Master of the word and persevering blogger here in steemchurch! Thanks for the good wishes and for pledging loyalty. You are good!
Congratulations brother Emilio. We know you will take this wonderful project to the next level
Thanks Gabriel
Congratulations our first ever archbishop and CEO @emiliocabrera.
I pray for more wisdom and insight. God bless the leader!
Amen Liltom! Thanks
woooww, this is great. God bless @emilicabrera. Congratulations. a new leader full of humility whom I appreciate a lot from the day I met him.

fight together for freedom.
Thanks Brother Marcelo, we will raise the banner of Christianity and steemchurch in the world!