Don't Lose Your Consciousness Of God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Steemchurch Publication August 10, 2018

Don't Lose Your Consciousness Of God

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Brethren, immediately you lose consciousness of who you are in the Lord, you will see yourself in one sin or the other. Being conscious of who you are is what will make you bold and keep you standing even others are falling, your consciousness of what you are will make you have authority over men and over the devil.

Paul Understood that he was crucified with Christ and had risen again with Him, and so he knew that although he lived in his physical body, it was not just him alone living, but Christ also liveth in him, Galatians 2 vs 20.

When you understand who you are in the Lord, that you have been crucified with Christ, it will do several things for you. You will find it easy to humble yourself, you will die to the flesh and your total being will be like Christ. You will be obedient to the Lord, demons and the devil will be far from you.

You will find it easy to not to commit sin thereby living in Holiness and nobody will be able to turn your heart from the truth of God's word like the brethren at Galatian who were bewitched as they did not know their personality in God.

The Galatians lost consciousness of who they were in God and so were easily deceived from the truth of God's word. They began to live by law forgetting that they were saved by faith in Christ Jesus and not by law. Once you forget who you are, you will be deceived easily from where you belong.

If you lose consciousness of who you are, you will lose your ability. This indeed is truth. If you forget who you are, you will lose your ministry. If you lose consciousness of who you are in the Lord, you will lose focus and direction and will not fulfil your destiny. paul was conscious of who he was in the Lord al through his ministry; that's why he had no time for the devil or his demons.

Thanks For Reading




Well said here "If you lose consciousness of who you are, you will lose your ability. This indeed is truth. If you forget who you are, you will lose your ministry. If you lose consciousness of who you are in the Lord, you will lose focus and direction and will not fulfil your destiny. paul was conscious of who he was in the Lord al through his ministry; that's why he had no time for the devil or his demons"

Jesus admonished us in Matthew 22: 37 to love God with the whole of us- our heart,mind, soul, strength. This is aimed at giving God the priority of being the first in our lives.

In Hebrews 12: 2, we are admonished to FIX our eyes on Jesus being the author and finisher of our faith.

When our hearts and minds are fixed on God and in His words, then God's image will continually radiate on us and this means #VICTORY.

Thank you @steemchurch for this piece that calls for so much reflection.

Some people tend to forget and lose the consciousness of God. If everyone has the consciousness of God in them, they won't do certain things.

Thanks for this piece @steemchurch

God is omnipresent. He is always at every place and at every time. As children of God, we should always have this at the back of our minds. The consciousness of this is what will guide us to leave right. God is ever-present.

We should at every time be conscious of the presence of God. In times of hardship, God is always there, he sees the tears we shed and He will definitely make things right.

Thank you @steemchurch for this great reminder.

Nice one from @steemchurch I'm really blessed by this write-up.
Show me a man who is conscious of the presence of God and I will show u a man of focus and vision!!

Thanks for sharing @steemchurch
Indeed this topic is an eye opener....we tend to forget who we are in christ. When we fully understand it we will not fulfil the desire of the flesh.

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Once on the road there is no turning back and nothing to stop the faith and strength of a devout Christian and practitioner of truth and love.

Being conscious of who you are is what will make you bold and keep you standing even others are falling

Consciouness of our christian faith and in us being children of God makes us realise the grace that abides and keeps us deeply rooted in Christ