If you read Genesis chapter 3, with the help of the holy ghost, you would understand how fear began. Before man's disobedience, man was bold. Man in spite of being naked, could stand before God to interact with God. Man was always excited to converse with God. The voice and presence of God was the next thing man was waiting for each day. In other words, man's self esteem was high. He had a high view of himself. He could see himself in light of how God saw him. All he needed was God's approval of him for him to be fine. He was never after man's(his wife's) approval; because he knew that all that mattered to him was what God had to say about him(man).


However, did you notice that after man's disobedience man could not stand before his maker any more? Man began to feel inferior before his very own maker. He had lost it all ready. He had become so self conscious that he believed his present look was not good enough. He thought he could make an outer covering for himself so he could look good. However, that was never the case because even after having made an outer covering for his supposed nakedness, he still could not stand boldly before God. He began to condemn himself even before God condemned him. There was nothing God told him at that point that made any sense to him anymore.
What's the point exactly? Low self esteem came to be as a result of sin. When we choose not to do what is right , we begin to feel lowly about ourselves. We feel those who are doing the right thing are all out to intimidate us. When we go against Go just like Adam, we try to look for comfort in artificial sources. We even go as far trying to find solace in what we wear, eat, or drive, yet we feel this deep sense of dissatisfaction on our inside. We begin to think we are not good enough. We become self conscious. We begin to consider really insignificant things. We begin to pay attention to our height, colour, shape et all, and all those things that really do not matter to God.

Consequently,loss of or low self esteem gives birth to fear. Having lost consciousness of our heritage in Christ Jesus, consciousness of who we are in God, we become afraid and thus begin to avoid God's presence. The thought of God disturbs us so much, now.We refuse when we are called to do things, especially to speak on stage, because we are self conscious. We begin to imagine people laughing at us and all. We begin to see ourselves as the never do well. We become scared of hell. Even when we are told that we are the righteousness of God we argue. When we do things for God, it ceases to be as a result of how much we love him, but the result of our fear of Him.
That's how fear began. However, if only you could run to Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. Instead of immersing in self guilt and consciousness, why not turn to the only one(Jesus) who can fix that issue in your life?

Ladies and gentlemen, God loves you and you can only understand this love in light of what God says and not how you feel or what you think.
Thanks for reading. Were you blessed?



Thanks for coming by.

I'm not a believer, but I find always good analogy between religious texts and scientists description, especially in the Genesis!
Great post.

Thanks for coming by.