Something All Christians Must Do. (Matthew 28:19,20)

in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

The perception of an assignment to many varies. For instance, for those in kindergarten, it may be the crayon or pencil work given to them by their teacher to complete. For those in high school, it may be a mathematical problem or an essay required by their teacher to be done and submitted within a specified time. While for those in college, it may be a project, a research, or a report to do, in order to be awarded some nice grades. In all of these instances, there is an assigner, there is an assignee and there is an assignment.

Today, true Christians face something similar. We have been given an assignment by our lord and teacher Jesus Christ. Please let's read about this assignment at Matthew 28:19,20;

19, Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.

You see, the great teacher Jesus Christ before his ascension to heaven, commanded his disciples to preach the Goodnews to people of all the earth, as can be seen at Matthew 24:14. But more to that, he asked them to make disciples of people of all nations. They were to do this without discrimination.

Next, Jesus asked them to baptize these persons that they will introduce into the Christian Faith. Even Jesus himself got baptized. Their baptism would be a sign to show that they have come to worship God and give their all to him.

Jesus taught his disciples many things, and so Jesus wanted his disciples to teach other people too the things he had commanded them. He wanted the disciples to also tell others about the love of God, and the Goodnews about his heavenly kingdom. Jesus also emphasized that the disciples teach them to observe, all the things he had commanded them. So it was not just merely teaching, but teaching them to observe or plly the thbgs he had taught them.

Jesus entrusted his disciples with this assignment because he knew he could rely on them. And the disciples never disappointed Jesus. Jesus promises to be with them until the end, to encourage n strengthen them whenever they felt they wouldn't be able to carry on.

So ask yourself, are you doing your assignment? As Jesus followers, it is our responsibility to preach to people about God. It is our duty to teach them to apply the things they are learning from the Bible. Remember that Jesus will strengthen you , when ever you think you can't carry on any longer. We do not want to ignore our assignment, instead we want to do it with eagerness and seriousness. This will attract the reward that God has promised to us through his son Jesus.

So, keep preaching and teaching, that is our divine assignment, by the assigner-Jesus, to the assignee - we his faithful followers.

Special thanks to @sirknight and @steemchurch for this wonderful platform.
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cited scriptures were drawn from The new world translation of the Holy Scriptures.


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We, as a Church, definitely want to declare the works of God on the blockchain. It is a work all our parishioners should engage in.

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All Christians should take on the great commission as instructed by Jesus in the Bible. The great commission shows that we love our neighbours by not allowing them to go into destruction.

great contribution usijay keep soreading nice God words and promoting steemchurch community .. keep preaching and teaching ... thats our assignment ...

So, keep preaching and teaching, that is our divine assignment, by the assigner-Jesus, to the assignee - we his faithful followers.

This reminds me of how lecturers give assignment and expect it to be done and submitted at the right time.

This post is indeed a reminder about a great assignment we all sometimes fail to carry it out.

I'm grateful to you for this post @usijayofficial

Thanks for reading

Nice article, we all as children of God always have roles to play.

An incredible post on the diversity of our functions in the vine yard of the Lord. We as Christians must understand that we each have a different purpose to fulfil for the Lord. I think in understanding this we will each learn to appreciate each other more. Thanks for this.

"So, keep preaching and teaching, that is our divine assignment, by the assigner-Jesus, to the assignee - we his faithful followers"
I believe there is no other assignment other than this

Thanks for sharing this with us, I love your conclusion,"As Jesus followers, it is our responsibility to preach to people about God. It is our duty to teach them to apply the things they are learning from the Bible. Remember that Jesus will strengthen you , when ever you think you can't carry on any longer. We do not want to ignore our assignment, instead we want to do it with eagerness and seriousness. This will attract the reward that God has promised to us through his son Jesus."

Excellent writeup. I remember the first time I read Matthew 24: 14, I was really surprised. It shows that all christians have a part to play for God's kingdom to come. We have to continue to declare this good news. Thanks for sharing.

Yes sir! With all those end time signs that Jesus gave us, the purpose of that was to remind us that THERE IS AN END TO THE HUMAN HISTORY! Although we don't know when He is going to come back, He let us know that when the gospel of preached throughout the earth, so that it really becomes a choice that people make to follow or not follow God - there will be no more excuses. When we see these signs of end times, what are our responses? Are we going to be the 5 foolish virgins who would rather sleep and not be prepared? Or are we going to the 5 smart ones, to be fully prepared for His coming? It is our choice as a follower today. :)

U are welcome my brother... Actually the Bible tells us all we need to know.

All Christians should alway focus on the things of the Lord and make the life of those ahi don't so good .
We only eat when you work and do what the lord wants .
You don't get money when you don't work for money .
You food comes from what you do.
The Lord our savour has provided us platforms to do his will and work in his vineyard by helping the needy and bringing to him l the worship and praises he deserves.
Make hay while the sun still shines .
There is no food for a man who does work.
Never expect anything from the Lord when you don't work in his paths which is his vineyard .
We Christians should help built the society by helping out in all the places we find our self and preach the gospel of the lord

I got to understand the fact that every person no matter the profession has an assignment and responsibility to perform. There there is an assigner, there is an assignee and there is an assignment.

Today, true Christians are adjourned to do something and serve the Lord God with all their heart and be an example to other; non believers.
This will draw them closer to God and make them to become repentant souls and further win more souls for Christ .
Jesus taught his disciples many things, and so Jesus wanted his disciples to teach other people too the things he had commanded them. He wanted the disciples to also tell others about the love of God, and the Goodnews about his heavenly kingdom. This is what Our Heavenly Father wants we Christians to do in particular.
Great message @usijayofficial and more @sirknight and the @steemchurch 👍