in #steemchurch7 years ago (edited)

The true God has so many wonderful qualities. Some of which includes love, patience, justice, mercy, wisdom, power and so on.

However, one of God's qualities, one that can never be disputed is His unsurmountable, vast, and immense power. His power is far beyond human comprehension. Nothing can be compared to the power of God, neither can any match God's power.

Now let's see what the Bible says about God's power at Romans 1:20. It reads;

For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. -Romans 1:20

Isn't that awesome? The Bible says clearly says that God's power is eternal, that is God's power shall last forever. The Bible also says that God's qualities an be clearly seen from his creative works. Now the question is, HOW CAN CREATION REVEAL GOD'S POWER?. Well, let us consider one of God's wonderful creation that reveals His awesome power.

The sun, according to the book Perfect Planet, Clever Species -How Unique Are We?, is described as "a very special star." The sun is the perfect 'powerhouse'. It is a very stable energy source and it emits the right amount of energy.

Now think about this, the sun is about 93 million miles (93,000,000), from the earth, yet during summer the heat is so intense. The sun is so powerful, that if it moves from its position a little towards the earth, the earth will practically fry. What if the sun moves away from the earth a little? The earth will freeze! So much power right?
Scientists say that the sun is so powerful that a needle size of the sun, would make an atomic bomb so powerful that could wipe out a large land mass.

The sun's heat energy is not the only powerful aspect of the sun. The sun's light is also very powerful.
The light emitted from the sun is so powerful that direct eye contact with it for more than 5 minutes can result in blindness and other eye disorders. Anyway you can't expect less from a light source that lights up more than half of the earth at a time, can you?

The sun really is a powerful creative work of The Most High God. If the sun is this powerful, then what about the creator of the sun and every other wonderful thing in the universe? His power is unmatched! See the what the Bible says about God's power at Isaiah 40:26;

Lift up your eyes to heaven and see.Who has created these things?It is the One who brings out their army by number;He calls them all by name. Because of his vast dynamic energy and his awe-inspiring power,Not one of them is missing.-Isaiah 40:26

Yes, **we worship a God who has awe-inspiring power and vast dynamic energy. ** So when next you feel discouraged, sad, weak, disappointed, hurt, depressed, afraid, unworthy, timid, just remember that the God we worship is more powerful than our problems!. Remember that, our Father in the heavens , The Most High God is more powerful than our failures and disappointments. If your problem is not as powerful as the sun, then tell yourself today that you do not have a problem. Say;



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Special thanks to @sirknight and @steemchurch for this wonderful platform.

Cited scriptures were taken from ; The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures


There hasn't been a time people went to the sun in order to get it fixed, this shows the power of God. It provides light for maby around the world. Thanks for contributing to SteemChurch.

Upvoted & Resteemed

True point man. The sun can't be fixed because it never fails. The creator is truly wonderful. Thanks.

I read in a book one time that there are different ways to know the power of our creator. From his book - the bible and from his creations. As you mentioned the power of the sun shows the power of it's maker. Studying the process of creation from the Bible too is fascinating. We have to be happy to have such a powerful creator. Thanks for the beautiful writeup this sunday morning.

I have heard of that too! This post reminds me of one speaker who in his sermon demonstrated the size and distance of our planets, stars, and galaxies. It really showed how small of a speck we really are. He then describes God's power to breathe stars into existence.

Imagine God breathing or speaking these suns/stars into existence...these suns and stars that are more powerful than any atomic or hydrogen bomb or more powerful than any nuclear reactor...and the same words God uses to speak creation into existence is contained in His Holy Book...The BIBLE. The Bible contain His Words....So we can claim those sun creating words of promises too! There is power in the scriptures.

Thanks man. I really appreciate.

God is awesome and powerful. His power can be seen just by looking at his creation. Our sun is just one of the many powerful stars he created all over the universe.
Thank you for coming around to the steem church today. Have a great week ahead.


And you are welcome my brother.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Corinthians 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

The Power Of God are limitless, beyond human comprehension.

For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship

His creations are just a glimpse of His power, His Omni attributes shows He is the greatest most powerful Being.

  • Omniscience - All-knowing
  • Omnipresence - All-present/All-seeing
  • Omnipotence - All Powerful

when next you feel discouraged, sad, weak, disappointed, hurt, depressed, afraid, unworthy, timid, just remember that the God we worship is more powerful than our problems!. Remember that, our Father in the heavens , The Most High God is more powerful than our failures and disappointments.

This is a message of hope to those that are feeling disappointed and depressed, God is working on something better for you, be patient and remember He is more powerful than your problems.

"God as a creator " is a tag indeed which can not be over looked because it is in his action of creation that an exceptional power is being shown... the power of creation can not be over emphasize because that was sole power of God which he first potrayed on earth.

outstanding post 👍.

His power is unimaginable and their are several ways in which his power manifests starting from the creation of the earth and procreation andany miraclous happenings the design of the earth only is enough to show how powerful he is and is only a fool that doubths how powerful he is is really awesome to know that we have a powerful God

Whenever I look around my environment, I begin to ask myself so many questions,but all the question hearded towards how great God is.

The attributes of God that I love so much is his ability to be omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.