STEEMCHURCH: God the best Doctor By Excellence.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Do you know the best Doctor in the universe?

Healing has always been one of the most pressing physical needs.
Jesus healed all those who approached Him, anyone,
whoever it was, whether he was saved or not, as long as he had enough
faith to believe that He could heal him.
Even before understanding salvation, the most immediate need
of the people was of relief for their bodies, and many times He
I healed them before doing something else!
The time of miracles has not passed! God is still engaged
to transform the bodies that need it.
He is still the Great Physician! It still says:
"I am the Lord your healer, who heals all your ailments,
who forgives all your iniquities "(Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103: 3).
Not just some, or a few, or many, or most, if not all!
God can cure any ailment!
He is your heavenly Father, he loves you, and He answers the prayers!
Actually, he is more willing to give than you to receive!
God can not only do it: He wants to do it!
The only thing that asks you is that you honor him with your faith, believing His Word
and His promises. It's that simple! (1Jn.5: 14,15; Heb.11: 6)
Do you have faith in God and in His love? Do you personally know the Great Physician?
If not, accept that He and His healing power come into your life right now!

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Do you suffer from any disease? Read The Promises Of God.
Believe and Obey.

Jeremiah 30:17
But I will cause healing to come to you, and I will heal your wounds, says the LORD;

In this verse, we are clearly told that God has power over
healing and this encourages us to believe that if He can send it to whom
He wishes, he can send it to you too, if you can believe.
Jeremiah 33: 6
Behold, I will bring you healing and medicine; and I will cure them,
and I will reveal to you an abundance of peace and truth.

In this verse it is revealed to us that God brings healing and medicine to
the men for his healing and tabien tells us that He not only brings healing
physical but also spiritual and mental by promising us abundance
of peace and truth.
Genesis 20:17
Then Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech and his wife,
and his servants, and they had children.

This is a small but beautiful verse in which it tells us 3 things
on health:

  1. God listens to those who ask him with faith.
  2. God moves out of love for the person who asks and works according to his will
  3. The petition in this case the health manifests not only in a person
    but in everyone around him, demonstrating the power of God.
    2 Chronicles 30:20
    And the LORD heard Hezekiah, and he healed the people.

This is another verse in which we are told that God hears prayers
and work according to his will.
Psalm 41: 4
I said: Lord, have mercy on me; Heal my soul, because against you
I have.

This is an interesting verse because the psalmist in this verse is not
asking for physical healing, this calls for inner healing,
He asks that his soul be healed because he is full of sin and asks
mercy to God, teaching us that the discomfort of a person
not only comes from their physical ills, but from their sinful interior.
Psalm 103: 3
He is the one who forgives all your iniquities, He who heals all your ailments;

This beautiful verse tells us that God is the one who forgives all of our
faults and sins and it is he who heals all our ailments, giving us
to understand the relationship that exists between our general health and the
spiritual because it not only heals the physical surface of our being
it cleans our interior too.
Psalm 107: 19-20
19 But they cried out to the LORD in their distress, and delivered them out of their afflictions.
20 He sent his word and healed them, and delivered them from their ruin.

Here in these verses it is seen as in the midst of affliction it is claimed
God listens to them and frees them from all their afflictions.
It tells us that He sent His word which does not return to Him empty and heals them
and saved them from their ruin.
This tells us that since ancient times there have been people with similar
or worse problems than ours and at the exact moment of its ruin
and in the midst of their worst moments they cry out to God and he rescues them
and heals them.
Psalm 147: 3
He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.

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