Steemcleaner Report for January 19, 2018 Part 3

Continued from: Steemcleaner Report for January 19, 2018


LinkAbuse TypeDownvoteCommentCheetah
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag AbuseYes
LinkTag SpamYes
LinkTag SpamYes
LinkTag SpamYes
LinkTag SpamYes
LinkUnverified IdentityYes

Report Abuse 🙝 #steemcleaners-public 🙝 Discord


Thank you sir for sharing

Nice post...
Thank for sharing...

Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.

Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:

  • 10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Informative Post” , “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.

  • Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.

  • Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).

  • Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.

  • Fishing/farming votes by using multiple accounts to comment on posts by known comment curators.

  • Unsolicited and off topic referral links.

Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.

More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.

Excellent abuse report. I like your job. Following you.

very good man...

Resultado de imagen para les go gif

Very good man freen

Hard work and work done continue to do it and save the world

Why do you split the report into 3 instead of putting it all in one?


There is a limited number of lines that we can use in one post.
When we reach more than certain amount of reports per day, we need to split the report to few parts.
I think that it might be the first time that we have 3 parts.
We have been very busy last week.

It's unfortunate that you find soooo many posts that you exceed the limit. :-(

You HAVE been very busy!!

Yes, we work 7 days a week with no holidays.

Thank you for your initiative!
I spotted it after resteeming a couple art pieces that later got flagged by you guts.
I was really hoping I would not have to reverse image search every art piece I like on steemit... but seems like I might have to start doing so.

Any how! Thank you and keep it up :)

Thank you for the support!

No problem, a better steemit 1 post at a time!

Hi steemcleaners, I love the work that you do and I have also started using your abuse reporting site.

I just have a question. Sometimes I see people with multiple copied and pasted or plagiarized posts, some are from the previous days. Is there a limit as to how many we can submit for one user, as well as the age of the post? Or is it better to just submit the person's profile, although I don't want to conclude that every post this person had were plagiarized. Thank you!

Thank you for asking :-)

We recommend submitting no more than 5 post per blog per day, unless there are some significant payouts to be removed from the posts of over 20SBD. We tend to check the whole blog for more abuses if we see major payouts.
It is also recommended to reports posts only from last 14 days.

Also, please always make sure that you provide correct link to post and correct link to abuse source in supporting link :-)

Thanks :-)

Thank you for your response @logic. Just to clarify

5 post per blog per day

Do you mean per user? And is there also a limit to the overall that we can submit in a day? Thanks again

Yes per user :-)

There is no limit of submissions. You can submit 1000 if you want.
As long as they are valid reports, please. According to our abuse guide :-)

More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.

Thank you very much for all the info @logic :)