in #steemclubonline8 years ago

This time we are going to write an article on how groups work within

First of all we will have to register if we have not already done so. Then you have to access our control panel (through the blue access button), so we can see all the options that we have in the community menu.


Anyone entering the platform will basically have two profiles from the point of view of creating the groups.


-The first will be that person who simply wants to join one of the groups already created. In this case we have it very easy, we will simply have to enter through the menu of the community in the section of groups.


Once inside we will see all the existing groups and that are visible, we choose one or several groups to which we want to belong and request membership in the group, depending on whether it is an open group or not the admission will be automatic or it will have to be approved by the administrator of that group.


Once within the group we can already actively participate in all proposals, contests and activities proposed within it


On the other hand we will have the people who already have a working group and a team behind them and that are interested in using the tools that have been created in the platform to work in an organized way. In this case once inside the group page we will see a button to create our group.


-First we put the name of the group.

-After we have to put a short description and a little more detailed description of the characteristics and the objectives of the group.

-We selected a category.

-We determine if it is going to be an open or closed group, this means that if a group is open, anyone can join without approval. By contrast if the group we mark as closed will require approval by the administrator (who in principle is the one who creates the group).

-We must also indicate if the group is hidden or can see everyone. If we choose the option of hidden only the members will see.

  • The rest of options we can leave them by default since they refer to the possibility of uploading images, videos and creation of events. The normal thing is that we do not need to modify anything in this in these sections.
    Once with all the data entered simply we have to give the blue button below to finish creating the group and we will be able to access it from the top menu.



Within each group and depending on the options we have chosen we will find certain main features such as the possibility of creating discussions or debates, announcements and events.


A very important feature is the possibility of inviting our friends inside from to join our group. Said user ** will receive the invitation via email ** as well as through their control panel once they have accessed the website.

Also the group has its own wall of activities in which all the interactions that have the members of the group will be reflected, they will be arranged chronologically to see them correctly.

We can also see the details of the group and all of the multimedia material uploaded by the members in the performance of their work such as photographs and videos.

Take advantage of this magnificent tool to organize your work groups either publicly or privately from here we encourage you to do so.



Currently we have several groups already created within the Community:

We have a group of administrators that is the one we use internally to organize the maintenance work of the web. this group is only visible to the members of the group.

There is the group of BABEL WITHOUT BORDERS.


This is the oldest group in the community of and it is where @jorgebit along with its team of collaborators (as for example @yenipaola and @thelastpoet) We launch their proposals of participation to all. It is a group open to everyone and I encourage everyone to belong to it, I am integrated myself and is one of the most active groups within




Join the group, do not hesitate. You'll find the best community to collaborate, share and grow together in the community.

This group is open to all participants, is not exclusive to those who have just started. We want to encourage cooperation between veterans and debutantes. Following our philosophy that everyone benefits, we thought it can be very interesting for new people to share group with veterans as they will receive advice and help through votes for their progress.

On the other hand from the point of view of veterans (or those who already have considerable experience), will have the possibility of consolidate followers, who as they grow will be of inestimable help to achieve their objectives in the medium term . Remember that this is a race in the background and to collect you have to plant first.
From here we encourage everyone big and small to be part of this group as it is going to be one of the most important pillars with which to be working in the community. To the extent that the number of members of the group grows, new official groups of help will be created. These will be administered by the outstanding members and who have contributed the most in the initial groups.



One of the needs we've seen inside Steam. Com is to be able to find and interact with users who have a level similar to ours. The benefits of this are obvious.

If you are among the users who have spent some time working in Steemit or made an investment in Steempower it is fair that you meet people like you and collaborate with them to achieve your goals. Request your admission, we are not strict in the minimum amount of Steempower needed, but if you have to bring something special to the community.



If you find yourself in the privileged peaks of users who have spent a lot of time working in Steemit or have made a great investment in Steempower it is fair that you meet people like you and collaborate with them to achieve your goals. Request your admission, we are not strict in the minimum amount of Steempower needed, but if you have to bring something very special to the community.



In definite accounts We want to be an open community for all. In which everyone benefits, the debutantes to receive advice and votes of quality and for those who already have more time we want what they have the possibility of collaborating with people of the same level, as with new people, of this form they will be sowing to create a solid base of followers to help them progress once they have grown.

We hope you like the whole community and make use of this magnificent tool.
