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RE: SteemConnect Beta : Release note

Can I ask that you, as I would like to see witnesses in general do, briefly describe where you stand socially and politically on a few issues of your own choice.

(in this case the group in general)

In my opinion, this gives a better understanding of the more personal motivations that could be driving a witness at some point in time.


"few issues of your own choice."

what kind of issues do u have in mind ? :)

I'd prefer you chose the issues yourself, but for example:

What political leanings do you have?
Are you of any particular faith?
Do you go by any principle in your view of how to organize society?
What is your future vission for Steem as such and perhaps for the technology (including Golos etc) itself?

i don't feel like a comment is the right place to answers these questions that are particularly requiring deep reflection, profound thoughts, to express my own political leaning, particular faith or principle. I don't even think it would be good to talk on behalf of the busy team as it would involve my personal opinion.. I planned to post more on my own account and blog about these specific topics because i have a lot to say.. But i was quite these days.
In fact I definitely need to allocate time to this. Not only because you asked, but because i really want it ;)
All i can say to answer your questions somehow, is that i'm not fixed on specific principle or particular faith, but I define myself as a innovation philosopher, anarchist and visionnary and i found in Steem many people that shares the same motivation and energy to change the world. But even if some people can have different faith and political views, we can still feel this energy that is totally undependant of these leanings.. Answering it in such a small comment would confuse people and abuse of Labelling that are in fact not really well defined.
check my blog in the next few month i commit myself to post more on these topics ;)

Very well. Thank you for your answer so far!