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RE: SteemDAC: A Plan We Can Start Today to Decentralize Steem Governance

in #steemdac6 years ago

Without getting into a debate about the effectiveness of Ned Scott, the "CEO and Co-Founder of Steemit, Inc, this document will state as a premise that Ned has lost the confidence of the majority of STEEM stake holders and is not the right person to create or lead a decentralized community effort or long-term governance of the Steem blockchain."

Thoroughly agree. And when I saw him speak at steemfest, the impression that I got was a snarky child, that has something to hide, who's done something wrong and knows it.

You know me my friend. I don't know tech, computers, innerworkings of steemit. I just pick up on things and get a vibe and feeling. The energy you give off is way different than Ned. There for I'm so happy to see you taking a lead role in moving this train in the right direction. I know you are all about decentralization and I love that....but if there is to be any captain of this ship you would make a great one.

On another note, how is Puerto Rico treating you?

Wishing you and your family the very best, and of course thank you for all your support for my efforts here.

From Pai Thailand- Dan ""World Travel Pro!"


a snarky child, that has something to hide, who's done something wrong and knows it.

In all my interactions with him, this description seems pretty spot on to me as well. The need to controll everything seems to come from some insecurity. Maybe it's daddy issues. I don't know. It's frustrating to see the result of it though.

PR is great! We're just getting settled and finding a new normal, but I got to hike El Yunque a couple days ago and it was so much fun. I'm traveling this week, but will hopefully post pictures at some point though you can find them on facebook now.

It's nice to see I'm on the same page with you Luke regarding the CEO, especially since I almost never get involved in steem politics. I usually leave that up to the guys who really know their stuff, like yourself.

That is so good to hear that you are enjoying PR. Shows some serious guts to make a move like that; I would know. So happy that you are enjoying and feeling good about where you are living now. Puerto Rico sounds like a great place for me to hang out for a month or two as well. Never been there, but I've heard great things. If I make there I'll surely keep you posted. But for now I see another couple months in Thailand than Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, and Hungry, and Bulgaria in the spring to summer as a potential travel plan.

Have a great day!

Wow, that sounds like a great travel plan! Let us know if you do head this way and we'll get Devon's room set up for you to stay a bit with us, if you want.

Wow. Thanks Luke! That would be great. I'll certainly let you know if I make plans for PR later this year, but at the moment I'm just trying to decide to stay here in Pai in the north or head south towards the Thai Islands.

hmmmm.... I think the Islands are calling my name.

Take care my friend, and I'll be in touch.

In the few times I have watched Ned's public speaking I can see that he is using speech patterns in the way he talks(though I don't think he quite has it down right). Also, earlier this week he seemed to have joined the Steem Alliance audio chat on discord half drunk(I am speculating because I have no way of really knowing). He randomly kept strumming a guitar and being nonsensical. Not really sure what it was besides cringe, just stop doing that Ned. You should save that for hanging out with people and having fun at a party(in my opinion).

As someone who is a natural speaker and can talk for hours on end from memory, I cringe when I see him publicly speaking. He really should have someone else do that for him.

When Dan left he said that the code was 99% completed for SMTs. With all of the ideas and innovation happening on EOS I can see now that it was Dan who was coming up with it all.

I originally doubted what Dan said about SMTs being 99% completed. But after a year and a half+ being here and seeing what has been going on, I know what he said to be true.

I don't think we will ever truly know what is going on, but I suspect Dan was really what was leading the innovation and now he is over on EOS. I hold both cryptos ;) so we will see!

Totally agree with you.. I feel the same way!

... this document will state as a premise that Ned has lost the confidence of the majority of STEEM stake holders and is not the right person to create or lead a decentralized community effort or long-term governance of the Steem blockchain."

Why? Because Luke says so???

Sure! Why not?

Ned has some major moral/character flaws and Luke does not.

I'm no pro in this field, but I know a good person who I can back when I see one. It's that simple, especially after having met both in person at steemfest.

It sounds to me; be he a good person or not; that Luke has drunk too much of the EOS Koolaid.

Did Luke bring you Hivemind? Did Luke promise a rocksDB HF in February? He has likely been too busy as an EOS Witness to have time for that.

I don't even know what EOS is. I'm too busy traveling and having fun. But thanks for your commentary. I simply root for the captain of whatever ship I'm on, even Ned. However I stand by what I said about Luke. Class act all the way.

Have a great day!

From Pai Thailand! -Dan "World Travel Pro"

Well Luke does not seem to be rooting for Ned, so you may have to choose Captains when/if your frolicking allows. ✌